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Tutorial Contest WINNER (September 2007) - "Pompous Delft"


Well-known member
that looks HAWT!!! you are so talented.. i can't do that


Well-known member
That was absolute wonderful. You have provided some great details and it was so easy to follow. You look beautiful!!!


Well-known member
You got mad skills girl. I love the tip to use paint to blend out the harsh lines on the p/p. I often get that problem so I'm definitely going to try that!


Well-known member
Wow, I love this! I'm scared of trying colours so this is an ideal look for me! I will be trying this out!


Well-known member
Thank you :-D Enjoy

A great way to apply dark bases is using a fluffy blending brush. My favorite is the 227 by MAC. It makes super soft lines...

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