• As of January 16, 2018, all posts in this section are moderated. Please engage with the community within the rest of the forums, remembering that you may not post your own tutorial links outside this section. Also remember to put your content in the proper space.

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Tutorial Requests - Post your tutorial requests here


hello everyone!
I would like a tutorial for the deluxe eyeshadows of urban decay
anybody motivated?

thank you very much
i hope someone kind will read this message


New member
so i have the eyeshadow, passionate, and it looks really pretty in the pan, but i have no clue what to do with it. if someone could suggest something, do a tutorial, or point me in the direction of one, it would be much appreciated. thank you!


Active member
i'm pretty new to all this eyeshadow business so i was wondering if someone could post a tutorial on how to create a good look using just two different shades of a colour and maybe a third colour like carbon, charred or vanilla pigment.
things like where to put the deeper shade to create depth to the eye or how to create a couple of different looks putting the e/s in different places on the eye, something to help newbs like me get to grips with colour placement on the eye.
sorry if this has already been posted, i've searched the forum but couldn't find anything that fit this.


Well-known member
^^ ooh thanks for that - i didnt realise that the looks on the site related to the promo piccies. x


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ncimfabulous
I want to see something dramatic like a "i wanna seduce you look" LOL ie Playboy, Glamour makeup on a NC44-50 really ne body who has olive toned to darker skin.

Yes please! hehe. I love it.

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