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Tutorial - Smokey eyes with a touch of pink! *PIC HEAVY*


New member
gorgeous look and has anyone ever told you, you look so much like Esmee Denters.



Well-known member
That is a really gorgeous look on you, and you did a great tutorial. Love all the step by step photos! They're very helpful--thank you


Well-known member
I LOve this look ! Thanks so much for sharing! u look gorgeous too
you really helped me bc for the longest time i could not figure how how to blend for example the pink and black together but now that i used the pointy brush like u used its perfect!
I looked for pink diamond lipgloss but cant find it..is that the exact name? thanks


Well-known member
So glam! I've seen a couple tuts where girls applied the crease color first... After this one I'm definitely trying it

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