Really love Game of Thrones right now. Anyone else watching that?
oohh i love the disney channel! i'm such a child! lol!i am loving this show!!!!!!!!! i am in the middle of readingt clash of kings which is the second book in the series, i think everyone is going to be super excited and on edge over the way the first book which i am assuming is the season one, is going to end!!! one of the absolute best shows ive seen in awhile. =)
other than that, the voice, which i cant decide if i like or not, and i watch a lot of kids shows lol with my kiddos, cartoon network, nickelodeon, and disney channel all day everyday it seems.
The Vampire Diaries - never missed a single episode.
The Lying Game - became favourite instantly.
Ringer - its getting better.
The Secret Circle - it's getting so good now, couldn't get into it at first.
Modern Family - usually just leave like 5 episodes to watch at once, it's very funny.
Pretty Little Liars - I wish they'd answer some questions before making even more...
That 7 timelines episode was one of their best
hahaha, yes, I agree! Always love Abed's unique view there. I am loving Modern Family and Dexter more though currently. Dexter especially!
oh i watched the first episode of Grimm and not sure what I think of it yet - i may watch a couple moreMy husband and I are total nerds, so we love watching:
Person of Interest
Terra Nova
Game of Thrones
The Borgias
Once Upon a Time