Twilight Saga - books & movies


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^ i agree. re-read them. I enjoyed them even more the second time through. Im totally stoked to see the new movie but there is no way I am watching it with 4000 screaming pre teens. Im gonna wait til payperview or summin

Makeup Emporium

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I'm actually re-reading them now. I just got Twilight on DVD as well an re-watched it. I'm going to see New Moon in the theatre but I'll wait for all the screaming "little" fans to be done with it first! No way I am going the first week it's out.
I read all 4 books before seeing Twilight. It's interesting now to re-read them with the charcters faces (from the movie) in your head. Gives you a different perspective.


Well-known member
Im 24 but Im gonna be one of those screaming girls in the audience. Ive been looking forward to this new moon movie to come out for soooooo long.

and what the heck is this "midnight sun" thing I hear ???


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^ Is twilight from Edward point of view

And I read them 3, 4 times there are certain chapters I love more


Well-known member
Originally Posted by romi79_2008
^ Is twilight from Edward point of view

And I read them 3, 4 times there are certain chapters I love more

where is this because i haven't seen it in book stores and i wanted to give it a read.


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Interesting the author says she would like to write another one from Leah Clearwater point of view, I think that would make another great book. It seems she likes love triangles hmmm


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Originally Posted by LMD84
i actually love the books (it's the child within me!) however the film wasn't so hot...unlike robert p!
you could tell it had a really low budget. and i think that because the first book is very descriptive it couldn't get across what was going on properly - hence why edward looks like he's gonna poop himself all the time!

The author says that the books would appeal to women in their late 20 because that was her age when she wrote them


Well-known member
i just want her desperately to write more twilight books, i dont care whose pov it is, or which character it is on, i want MORE!! this is way worse than my mac addiction for sure

i thought from her interviews she was quite adament that she wasnt going to do anymore
which i thought was way out of order cos she said stuff like 'i write for myself not for anyone else' and how after some one leaked midnight sun, she didnt want to write it anymore.. and how no amount of begging or asking will make her want to do it
which i felt like saying, that's nice, but what about the £350 million you've earnt from the twilight books, wouldnt it be kind of nice to pay ur fans back and finish the book, rather than punish them for something they didnt do?
am i being out of order or does anyone else see where i'm coming from there?

maybe i can take her hostage and make her write more books


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From her lasts statements I understand she`s done writing about vampires, but she also said that she`ll finish midnight sun when all the craziness around it will disappear and most important she`ll have something to tell ` cause right now she`s not inspired to continue the story
But you know what, looking at the enormous success twilight saga books-movie has and at the endless possibilities with these fantastic worlds I think they might do a tv show at some point
AHhh I remembered now she said Leah Clearwater or Renesmee Cullen point of view, that would be fantastic can you tell I`m a fan?


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Ohh,I just saw the movie, I loved it. It`s closer to the book than twilight, just a couple of things different to make it more interesting. The only thing that annoyed me is Edward make-up I think they over done it


Well-known member
^ i thought Edward was so unattractive during the whole movie, and i couldn't quite put my finger on it.. must have been the makeup


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I never thought Cedric was cute, he just looks weird, and I so wanna go see the movie , it's been sold out since freaking Friday!!

Edit: oops Edward, sorry, that's Harry Potter lol


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I think his smile is quite lovely but I think it`s hard to understand his acting without reading the book. He isn`t happy in this book, and with good reason but I don`t think the movie captures very well those reasons


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I went to the late showtime of New Moon and it was okay. It definetly was a step up from Twilight, but I don't understand why they always end up being super cheesy. I think the cast is so inexperienced that some lines end up sounding comical when they should be serious.

I'd give it a 4 out of 10 but thats me being nice. Sorry guys as an avid movie goer and lover, I am picky about what I call a great film. This movie is definetly not a great film, but its a movie for the fans. This is a movie that only a fan can appreciate, and I was mildly entertained by it, so I won't be too hard on it.

Anyway, the next movie is due June 30th, they want a summer release because they can bank on it more, makes sence, depending on the release of HP I might hold out on seeing it right away, I rather give my money to HP.

I am starting to think since the movie time lines have been really rushed, its compromised the integrity and outcome of the movies.

Just my 2 cents.


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i saw new moon last night and i quite enjoyed it. it was much better than the first film. however i thought the cgi wolves were quite bad and a certain scene towards the end made people laugh in the cinema because it was so cheesey!

and i think they could paint edward with whatever make up they want and i'd still find him attractive!


Well-known member
I love twilight! I still havent seen new moon though but I hear it's better than Twilight. Even though New Moon was my least favorite book out of all four