UD Book of Shadows - all versions


Active member
Re: book of shadows at ulta...

I'm picking up my BoS this weekend. I have a 20% off total purchase coupon I've been waiting to use


Well-known member
Re: book of shadows at ulta...

I LOVE my book of shadows. It's amazing, and you can't beat the price.


Well-known member
Re: book of shadows at ulta...

I really like these shadows and I think it'll last a long time. I just don't like how there are so many neutral and bronzy shades. I'd prefer a palette with less baked-looking stuff, but I guess that's popular with the general population.

Originally Posted by hawaii02
Do you like Absinthe better than say, Grafitti??

I definitely like Absinthe better than Graffiti. For some reason, I feel it's a more crisp and toxic green. Plus, the name is better too.


I didn't know as much about makeup as I now know thanks to this site
Of course, it seems I have learned about the UD Book of Shadows too late and now I can't find it anywhere!
Does anyone know of a place that still sells it? Thanks!


Well-known member
Re: Can't find Book of Shadows!

Do you have a Sephora near you? I know they aren't available online but I
saw them in person this past weekend at Sephora, and Ulta I believe. If you
have checked, and need me to do a cp, I can try and do that for ya.


Re: Can't find Book of Shadows!

I'm actually at Sephora right now lol.. waiting for the brow studio. I think I'm going to buy the Ammo Shadow box for now. I looked at the others, but it seems like Ammo had the most colors I would be interested in. I am very indecisive. I was in front of the Urban Decay stand for 20 minutes. I'm still undecided hahaha


Re: Can't find Book of Shadows!

So I settled on the Ammo box and I also ended up getting 2 separate e/s Midnight Cowboy Rides Again and S&M. I also got the skyscraper mascara after seeing what it looked like on a lady a MA was putting it on. I swear it feels like Xmas when I go to Sephora.


Re: Can't find Book of Shadows!

Thanks for the recommendations, I will be going to ulta and sephora tomorrow, I need book of shadows!


Re: Can't find Book of Shadows!

I checked there too but it looks like they are not selling it anymore. The only place I had seen it was on Ebay but, for double the price, I decided to skip it for now. I hear it's going to be reissued for the holiday season so I guess I'll wait.
On another note, I saw the Deluxe shadow box and I'm thinking of getting that one next. I was always into darker colors, but the vivid colors in this palette are so cool, I might have to make a change


Re: Can't find Book of Shadows!

So I went to Sephora, they said they have been sold out since the holidays.

Then I went to ulta, and they have it! There was at least 10+ on the shelf also! Thanks for the recommendation, I have been contemplating buying off ebay!

(this was in sacramento, ca, for reference)


Re: Can't find Book of Shadows!

I just went on urbandecay.com, just for the heck of it, even though it was out of stock every time I looked for it before. But! Today it was in stock! And I got one yay! So for anyone looking for it, it's in stock on Urban Decay's site


Re: Can't find Book of Shadows!

These are back on-line now! Hurry before they run out. Its such a great deal for all the colors you get and there so pigmented. The packaging is cute but isn't functional. But the colors are beautiful.


Well-known member
Re: Can't find Book of Shadows!

Originally Posted by luvleighlsr
These are back on-line now! Hurry before they run out. Its such a great deal for all the colors you get and there so pigmented. The packaging is cute but isn't functional. But the colors are beautiful.

on what site?


Well-known member
Book of Shadows Volume 2 is now available!

The BoS 2 is available for purchase now on urbandecay.com. It won't be available anywhere else for at least a month supposedly & I believe this is a limited pre-release, so you might need to hurry if you want one!
NEW/exclusive shades: AC/DC (deep eggplant shimmer), Nylon (champagne sparkler), Mushroom (taupey-gunmetal), Sphynx (pink sparkle/shimmer), Jinx (bright blue shimmer), Homegrown (bright green shimmer), Misdemeanor (deep teal sparkle), and Perversion (matte black).

Existing/best-selling shades: Sellout, Gunmetal, Ecstasy, Midnight Cowboy Rides Again, Twice Baked, Half Baked, Flipside and YDK.

Book Of Shadows Vol. 2 - Makeup Palette - Urbandecay.com


Well-known member
Re: Book of Shadows Volume 2 is now available!

that looks pretty cool! when it comes over to the uk i will most likley buy it
great it comes with liners!

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