UDPP rocks and all...but i'm allergic to it!


Well-known member
so i have an allergy to Urban Decay Primer Potion. makes my eyelids itchy, red and rashy LIKE WHOA. MAC paints & CCBs have this same effect.

Shadesticks only last a couple hours before creasing and Mary Kay Primer does the same...i get three hours tops before the dreaded crease sets in...

second best guesses anyone? i have very oily eyelids.

thanks so much for any help you guys can give because this just sucks! i'm glad i'm not working tomorrow because there's no way i can put eyeshadow over this inflamation



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Loose powder on my lids usually works decently.

^ I agree. My eyelids are very oily as well and on days when I feel like keeping it simple I use Mac's Blot Powder on my eyelids to help absorb the oil and it really works for me.

HTH and good luck!


Well-known member
do you mean power like powdered foundation (i use Everyday Minerals)? forgive me, i've never used or seen the Blot powder to know what it is like...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eowyn797
do you mean power like powdered foundation (i use Everyday Minerals)? forgive me, i've never used or seen the Blot powder to know what it is like...

It's a powder from MAC made to absorb oil. They have it in a compact or loose powder and have a few different shades to choose from. I loveee this stuff! I have oily skin and it woks wonders for me! This is the only thing I put on my face cause I hate the cakey feeling. Blot powder is really light and sheer.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TwinkPink
I don't know if they sell it in the states but Artdeco makes the best eyeshadow base, imo.

i still want to try the Blot Powder everyone recommended, but i did procure myself some ArtDeco Eyshadow Base and THIS STUFF IS THE BEST! as an added bonus i am not at all in any way whatsoever allergic to it. it actually seems to calm my eyes down if they're itchy at all!

thank you guys for all your help. i really appreciate it

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