Ugh why is life a bitch?

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I swear life has got it in for my poor Mom
, she had such a bad year so far
here's what happened in the past year:

January: My Dad told her that he didnt love her anymore BUT he had a knee op after he told her so he stayed, (i woulda kicked him out the minute he told me) Dad cheated on her with a blonde bimbo barmaid, he did this before i was born as well.

February and March: My Mom had to remortage our house so she can pay Dad for his share of the house which means she gotta give him two endowments and £8000 of her savings to pay for it and what really sucked is that her previous mortgage was due to finish this november after 18 years.

April: Dad moved out at last but Momstill loves him (i tell her she's mad for doing that but she said its hard to stop loving someone after 25 years) Mom also lost more money due to the solicitors and the bank cos she had like £800 saved which was gonna go towards our holiday this summer, but noooo the bank charged her countless times for doing stuff and also the solictitors fees.

May: Mom had her birthday and she invited Dad along and they got on just fine, but then later on this month she finds out that he was leading her on which really hurt her.

June: This is the most crappiest month for her so far, first her niece's horse stood on her foot, then she got involved in a 4 car shunt which DESTROYED her car of 10 years that she loved so she had to battle insurance and spend whatever's left of her savings on a second hand car.

I just hope now it'll get better for her. It's gone downhill since she was made redundant from Nortel, as she was Nortel Manager so going from that to being a teacher is a huge huge drop on money issues and our life
Why does life test us like this?
it's not fair cos she's an amazing woman

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
I know that it's not really what you want to hear right now but God never gives us more than we can handle. It may seem like an uphill battle but God is just revealing strengths that you and your mother never realized you posessed. Everything happens for a reason and in turn, looking back you two will see how much this has made both of you grow. I hope things start to look up for you two and it sounds like you are really giving her what she needs most at a time like this. You sound like an amazing daughter and I can only imagine that it's thanks to your mum. The skies will clear eventually.


Well-known member

I know life can be a bitch but I'm a great believer that you gotta have faith... I'm not talking religion just plain ol' faith in life.

Similar things happened to my mum as I was going through my teens but now shes happier than she ever was with my dad. It just takes time. Easy for me to say I know but it's true.

And you always have to think that no-matter how bad it is for you, you are lucky in so may other ways. You have each other and many people don't even have that.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chic 2k6
I swear life has got it in for my poor Mom
, she had such a bad year so far
here's what happened in the past year:

January: My Dad told her that he didnt love her anymore BUT he had a knee op after he told her so he stayed, (i woulda kicked him out the minute he told me) Dad cheated on her with a blonde bimbo barmaid, he did this before i was born as well.

February and March: My Mom had to remortage our house so she can pay Dad for his share of the house which means she gotta give him two endowments and £8000 of her savings to pay for it and what really sucked is that her previous mortgage was due to finish this november after 18 years.

April: Dad moved out at last but Momstill loves him (i tell her she's mad for doing that but she said its hard to stop loving someone after 25 years) Mom also lost more money due to the solicitors and the bank cos she had like £800 saved which was gonna go towards our holiday this summer, but noooo the bank charged her countless times for doing stuff and also the solictitors fees.

May: Mom had her birthday and she invited Dad along and they got on just fine, but then later on this month she finds out that he was leading her on which really hurt her.

June: This is the most crappiest month for her so far, first her niece's horse stood on her foot, then she got involved in a 4 car shunt which DESTROYED her car of 10 years that she loved so she had to battle insurance and spend whatever's left of her savings on a second hand car.

I just hope now it'll get better for her. It's gone downhill since she was made redundant from Nortel, as she was Nortel Manager so going from that to being a teacher is a huge huge drop on money issues and our life
Why does life test us like this?
it's not fair cos she's an amazing woman

Your mom IS strong and resiliant (even if she doesn't think she is). Just give her time, love and support (you're a good daughter for worrying so much!) and she'll get through all of this...hugs to both of you!


Well-known member
I tend to think that things happen for a reason, so hopefully she will get something really wonderful out of this bad situation!


Well-known member
I'm really sorry to hear that you mom is going through so much right now. You sound like a very caring daughter and I'm sure your support must be invaluable to her right now. I hope things start to look up for your family!


Well-known member
You're mom must be One VERY strong woman to put up with all that.

SHe'll get through it fine
I'll keep her in my thoughts