Ugly Celebrities That Are Just So Hot!


Well-known member
Adrien Brody all the way, I dunno what it is about him but he is so damn SEXY! I think it might have to do with his bad ass character in "Love the Hard Way". so yummy in that movie!
(DH makes fun of me for liking him)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dirtyMartini

Lol this thread is one of the most original ones I've ever seen!

I find the responses so far absolutely fascinating. But I think I see some definite trends. Almost everyone mentioned is dark, hair and/or skinwise. There were 2 redheads and 4 blondes, I think. And a lot of people over 40. And a couple of people who I am completely unfamiliar with.

I wonder what this says about society as a whole and its beauty standards. There was a wide range of people who posted to this thread thread, young, old, black, white etc and the responses were remarkably consistent. Thoughts, anyone?

Or maybe I'm just being weird. I work in a career field that requires me to analyze trends and statistical information

And since I really don't want to go study public health policy, a consolidated list of the responses so far follows:

Jamie Foxx
Lil Wayne
Kid Rock
Tommy Lee
Trick Daddy
Flava Flav
Keith Richards
Mick Jagger
Daniel Craig
Joaquin Phoenix
Owen Wilson
Triple H
Dylan Moran
Anthony Head
Alan Rickman
Tobey McGuire
Jack White
Steve Buscemi
Marilyn Manson
Woody Harelson
Adrien Brody
Method Man
Zac Braff
Alex Kapranos
Jay Z
Hugh Laurie
Axl Rose
Fred Astaire
Notorious BIG
Sean William Scott
Ice Cube
Colin Firth
The Rock
Kevin James
Jimmy Fallon
Busta Rhymes
Cillian Murphy
Gary Oldman
Benicio del Torro
Conan O'Brien
Sean Penn
James Woods
Vin Diesel
David Caruso
Nicolas Cage
Willem Dafoe
Gene Simmons
James Brown
John Malkovich


Well-known member
OMG.......T-Pain is the worst thing walking. After Flavor Flav, of course.

P.Diddy...please. Clothes definitely make him.

Jay-Z....ugghhh, but success has certainly made him. I actually like his professionalism and low-key lifestyle. But let me stop bashin' my beautiful Black men.

Tyrese isn't extremely gorgeous...but then again he is.
That smile, that body.....he is beautifuuuuul.

And another vote for Ice Cube....his fine self!


Active member
Originally Posted by BloodMittens
Alan Rickman. His voice just gets me. I luff him.

yes yes yes yes yes. he's also old enough to be my dad....oops


Well-known member
The celebrities that I'm attracted to are all attractive to me because of a character they played, I think.

Matthew Gray Gubler (Criminal Minds)
Vincent D'onofrio (Law & Order: CI)
Seth Rogen (Knocked Up and every other Judd Apatow movie ever)
White House correspondent David Gregory


Well-known member
I love Benicio del Toro. I don't know what it is about the sleazy drug-dealing gangster look that does it for me, but...
Oh, also, Gerard Butler. Mainly in Phantom of the Opera. Any females I've discussed this with think I'm insane, but he's just... rrrr! Love.


Well-known member
Giovanni Ribisi. I think he is pretty hot, I guess it is just not in the "popular" sort of way. I saw him in Perfect Stranger recently and the boy's got a good build. Mmmmmm.


Well-known member
Andy Samberg!! I don't know what it is about him, his mouth is bigger than my entire head but I think he's so cute haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xsnowwhite
oh i just thought of another one
Jimmy Fallon!
haa i dont find him attractive but he is just sooo funny and i cant help but like him.

oooh you shut your mouth, jimmy fallon is so cute!! lol

I had the biggest crush on him from like 1998 on.. i still kind of do haha.. something about the funny boys


Well-known member
I have the biggest thing for James Spader. I don't know why but the man just lights my fire lol

As for the women I got a thing for Summer Glau as well. I would not say no to her lol.

Oh and Chris Rock,
Jack Black
Andy LaPlega
Alan Rickman
Jouquin Phoenix
Patrick Stewart

I can't think of anymore just now but I'll post back again when I do.


Well-known member
William Peterson from CSI,baggy eyes and a funny shaped face,silver hair but way more attractive than the sum of his parts. Alan Rickman,with that voice,can read me a bedtime story anytime.

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