UK people... say it isn't so! are we not getting future earth?? :(!

Girl about town

Well-known member
Originally Posted by x.DOLLYMiX.x
VAE is available in HOF in Glasgow. I got one today

OOOO need to get me into Glasgae tomorrow xx


Well-known member
I got some exfoliator yesterday... I had to ask for it though in house of fraser in bluewater, it wasn't on display! To be honest... I don't think it does anything special. I'm gonna see what my skins like in a week. My boyfriend smothered himself in it and was taking pictures of himself thinking it was hilarious... idiot haha. I dunno... I don't find it very practical and when I use an exfoliator, I want it to feel like its doing something, and it doesn't, St Ives is better. But like I said I'll see in a week.. I might love it next week, and if I do i'll buy more online!
My mum got all eggy about me spending £13.50 on an exfoliator hahah, she was like YOU COULD SPEND 50P ON A PUMMICE STONE WHICH IS THE SAME THING THEN GRIND IT UP AND MIX IT WITH A CLEANSER AND VOILA! then i tried it on her feet and she was like 'oooh... very nice'. Hehehe.


Well-known member
scrap what i said above... I LOVE IT. i need to buy a back up. i just used it again and my skin feels amazing, and i smell pretty damn too! except its stained my arm a bit grey hahaha oops!!

Girl about town

Well-known member
Got mine at hof Glasgow yesterday need to try it today yay, jasmine tried your sharkskin parrot combo it was stunning!!!! xx ta much!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jasminbarley
Pumice stone? On your face? That sounds very painful!

Thats what I thought! But I think she meant like fine bits!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Girl about town
jasmine tried your sharkskin parrot combo it was stunning!!!! xx ta much!!

Sorry to go off topic, but I tried this today as well and it is a helluva phenomenal look! Thanks for the tip jasmine!


Well-known member
Hey everyone the future earth collection should be up on the web in july. Hope that helps everyone

nessa xx

Girl about town

Well-known member
i got my volcanic ash exfoliator from HOF glasgow and i love it so much, its sooooo luxurious, feels like a spa treatment, only trouble is i want to use it every day!! it says on the box up to 3 times a week boo!!! i had lots of wee bumps on my chin and now they have broke into proper spots so i take it that is the deep cleansing working xx


Well-known member
I can't wait to get some exfoliator when it's online, I'm too lazy to go to the MAC counter in Gateshead to get it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Luceuk
I can't wait to get some exfoliator when it's online, I'm too lazy to go to the MAC counter in Gateshead to get it.

Same here! the last time i was at a mac counter was in february (metro centre) and i couldnt buy anything because we had to run for the train


Well-known member
Now that I drive it wouldn't take me long to get there, I just can never be bothered even if it's for MAC and I don't like the A1
that kind of puts me off too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Luceuk
Now that I drive it wouldn't take me long to get there, I just can never be bothered even if it's for MAC and I don't like the A1
that kind of puts me off too.

Joining the A1 South on a Sunday afternoon when i've finished my shift is my idea of personal hell!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by as_cute_as_pie
verdict is in and i love volcanic ash

Mee to this stuff is the shit !!! I need more
I know it says use 1-3 days but I cant help but use this everyday

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