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Hmm I'm iffy with this BP from Marilyn. Some are saying it's great for super pale girls like myself but at the same time I can imagine it being £20-odd. Which would take my order from £32 to minimum £52. :/ Blah!
I'm completely skipping the Roitfeld collection, too. I do want a few things from both Marilyn and By Request, so this is going to be an expensive month. I have been on a lipgloss no-buy (got so many, both opened and unopened) but I plan to get Cult Of Cherry and Flash Of Flesh, along with Jete and Moth Brown, and Moxie. I'm trying to talk myself out of Rocker, thinking it might be too dark for me and I have loads of reds already.
From Marilyn I want Love Goddess, Forever Marilyn, Legendary, and possibly Showgirl and Preferred Blonde. I had wanted all the eyeshadows, but with them being bigger and more expensive, plus the new EDES coming out soon, I have to draw a line somewhere. Had they been regular sized, I'd have got all 4. I've had a job talking myself out of The Perfect Cheek and Charmed I'm Sure.
Hmm I'm iffy with this BP from Marilyn. Some are saying it's great for super pale girls like myself but at the same time I can imagine it being £20-odd. Which would take my order from £32 to minimum £52. :/ Blah!
Yeah, I already have Lightscapade so I may as well skip it. To be honest I think it's the allure of it being LE and what not that's sucking me in but I know I just can't afford it and I'd rather get The Perfect Cheek and Love Goddess instead of just the one BP.Yeah, I don't think it's worth the money. Buy Lightscapade instead or something similar.
To be honest, the whole collection is a bit meh to me (except for the red lipsticks which are very pretty), and after all the hoo-haa in the US, I really can't be bothered with it anyway.
Yeah, I already have Lightscapade so I may as well skip it. To be honest I think it's the allure of it being LE and what not that's sucking me in but I know I just can't afford it and I'd rather get The Perfect Cheek and Love Goddess instead of just the one BP.
I agree, the collection isn't great to me at all and the fuss those in the US have had is somewhat putting me off. I keep checking the MAC website for just in case it's put up early but I suppose at the end of the day if I miss them it won't be the end of the world, I'd just be slightly disappointed.
I also keep checking lol but I'm only interested in Marilyn, mainly the BP and love goddess lipstick. I've read somewhere in the the thread that the BP is matte.. I'm not sure I want it if it's matte. I'll have to check that.I keep checking too, but mostly because of By Request. I don't think they'll be up before Monday though.
I also keep checking lol but I'm only interested in Marilyn, mainly the BP and love goddess lipstick. I've read somewhere in the the thread that the BP is matte.. I'm not sure I want it if it's matte. I'll have to check that.
Well at least Marylin will be sold in Debenhams and House of Fraser too. By Request is Mac online exclusive and once that's gone it's gone.
So are we getting By Request, Merilyn Monroe and Carine Riotfeld next week?Well I'm excited.
My package from the US with my By Request goodies arrived!
Guacamole, Jete and Moth Brown - haven't swatched them yet but Moth Brown side by side Satin Taupe - you can definitely see MB is more purple.
Parrot e/s also arrived - worth every penny. Such a beautiful colour - I'm so glad I managed to get my hands on it fiiiinally!
Yung Repunxl l/s - gorgeous but very dark so I'll have to play with it to figure out how it will work best before I wear it out the house.
I asked this monday when I was picking up my new phone from town and the lady told me the collection is out on the 2nd of November - I remember cause it's my birthdayI predict a big haul...!
Also the Dior collection should be out a few days before nationwide and a few weeks before at SelfridgesI'll try getting dates in a few weeks!
The collection came out a while ago but it might be worth calling around to see if any of the boutique chanel counters have any instock. I picked up the blue polish Sky Line from the same collection a few weeks ago from Harrods and they only had two left.
I also picked up the 3 Fashion Night Out polishes and I love them all! I seriously love cream nail polishes at the moment!
So are we getting By Request, Merilyn Monroe and Carine Riotfeld next week?
Just went on the US website and almost everything has sold out from the Merilyn collection :/
Guess we have to be uber fast at picking up what we want! I think I'm going to wait till thursday when the collection is out on counters, still not sure about which red to choose, I was hopping one of the reds would be similar to Ruffian Red seeing as MAC are annoying not releasing it here!Yup.
Yeah - everything from the Monroe collection sold out in about 2hrs. 3hrs max. Still haven't heard of a re-stock yet either.
As annoying as it is - get a US CP. It's still in stock on their website, or it was yesterday! I'm getting one for Ruffian Gold as I already have Ruffian Red I received in a swap.Guess we have to be uber fast at picking up what we want! I think I'm going to wait till thursday when the collection is out on counters, still not sure about which red to choose, I was hopping one of the reds would be similar to Ruffian Red seeing as MAC are annoying not releasing it here!
As annoying as it is - get a US CP. It's still in stock on their website, or it was yesterday! I'm getting one for Ruffian Gold as I already have Ruffian Red I received in a swap.
If anyones interested, saw the new Vice pallette from UD at Debenhams today. Was very disappointed tbh. Glitterfest and really similar to permanent shades.
Hopefully you didn't pay evilbay prices though?Yesterday I've finally received my Ruffian Red I bought from eBay, but haven't swatched it yet, it looks quite dark and not at all blue, but will see once I've swatched it. Today I received some lovely nail polish I've ordered too. Aah, love getting packages. The postman hates me though, lol.
Ooh, thanks. Looking forward to picking it up.I find it hard to say no to UD palettes.