UK Release Dates Discussion - All Brands Welcome!


Well-known member
I might try it to see how it is. On my hand though I definitely wasn't a fan. Perhaps fingers crossed it could work on the lips.

I'd hope for as close to retail as possible, but obviously as it'll have been swatched on hand and possibly lips (I'd clean it with rubbing alcohol before selling to sanitize) I probably can't really ask for that. However if you're interested I'll PM you once I've tried it on my lips if I dislike it and we can work something out?
No probs, pm if you decide you don't like it :)


Well-known member
I was in London today and went to Harrods as they had a 10% off event. Managed to pick up the new Chantecaille Elephant Blush and also a few things from the Guerlain holiday collection, including the Meteorites, the Liu shimmer powder and the burgundy lipstick. Also wanted the eyeshadow quad but they didn't have that, only the Calligraphy palette which is really nice, but I need to convince myself that I don't need it. :) I also popped into Harvey Nichols as I wnated to see the Stila counter there, but it's very disappointing. It's tiny and it's hidden away in a corner. Bleh.

Tomorrow I'll be closely watching the Mac website for By Request, hope I'll be home when it goes up. I'll need to go shopping and do school run and take children to after school activities, so let's hope it goes up at a convenient time, lol.


Well-known member
I'm doing a fair few CPs for the lipsticks, so I'm hoping it goes up before 8.20am when I have to go to uni!

Can I ask a big favour? If any UK ladies see By Request up on the website, can you please PM me? I'll have my phone on me all day, and if I get an email then I can escape clinic and order in the bathroom haha
Thank you


Well-known member
I was also going to ask if anyone can text me if it goes up as I'll need to go out a few times. If anyone can, pls let me know and I'll pm you my number. Otherwise I'm happy to pm or text others.


Well-known member
I'm not going to uni now, my ear infection is really playing up and I thought if I didn't take today sick, I'll feel worse Tommorrow and miss placement! So I'll be online most of the day, so I can let people know when it comes up x


Well-known member
I will be stalking the website until 3pm, unfortunately after that I won't be able to order anything even in the toilet if at work lol Sometimes I wish I had a smartphone :)
Well, I hope it goes up before then.
I was going to skip this collection, but now I want jete and moth brown eyeshadows!! I'm undecided about lipstiks though...


Well-known member
If anyone missed out on the Debenhams offer, and is waiting for a price drop somewhere, I've just read on Twitter that all the Enrapture styling tools will be half price or 1/3 off from 17th October in Boots.

Also, I just got an email from ASOS advertising their (up to) 50% off sale, which is live now


Well-known member
Argh, I'm sitting at home waiting for the blooming collection to go up, but nothing. I need to go and buy some food, keep putting it off, but it really needs doing. So bored with this, Mac!


Well-known member
I know how you feel. I wish we knew what time it was supposed to be going up.

I haven't got to go out until this evening (daughter's school 'curriculum evening' - hope the rain stops by then) but I do have things I should be doing.


Well-known member
Well just been on to the MAC live chat and spoke to Liz and at least she confirmed it will be up today even though she couldn't give me an exact time.

If anyone still wants texting I will be happy to do this :)


Well-known member
Yeah, I've just spoken to Liz. She said keep checking. I said yeah, that's what I've been doing all morning. She said try around lunchtime. IT IS LUNCHTIME!!!! Argh! Useless.

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