UK Release Dates Discussion - All Brands Welcome!


Well-known member
Hi I know what you mean about lipglosses I have a few hubby don't like them lol But the hair and wind thing yes defo know what you mean Can be embarrassing lol I love lippys too Can't stand pigments I got one lol years ago They go everywhere with me lol Nice colours though I really want that sculpt thing with two colours then eyeliner ? But I'm not sure


Well-known member
I'm not tempted. Temptalia has reviewed them


Well-known member
I'm on a low-buy so I just kept it at those 2 items only.  I'll swap the bronzer out for my MSFN.
Do you find this easy to do? I'd love to have a go but scared I'll just mess it up. I do love depotting shadows though... Debating waiting for the Debenhams launch (I always seem to do this - but have some beauty card cash to use) I have way too many blushes but I think I'm jumping on the packaging bandwagon with this one too.


Well-known member
I'm on a low-buy so I just kept it at those 2 items only. I'll swap the bronzer out for my MSFN.

Do you find this easy to do? I'd love to have a go but scared I'll just mess it up. I do love depotting shadows though...

Debating waiting for the Debenhams launch (I always seem to do this - but have some beauty card cash to use) I have way too many blushes but I think I'm jumping on the packaging bandwagon with this one too.
You know when you depot a shadow and take out the plastic part first? Just do that and swap them into a different compact so they snap back in. No need to actually properly depot them as you're just swapping what container it's in.


Well-known member
I'm going to wait for this collection to be released at Debenhams, I'm going to see if I can find out when. I'll let you know if I find out for definite!


Well-known member
You know when you depot a shadow and take out the plastic part first?  Just do that and swap them into a different compact so they snap back in.  No need to actually properly depot them as you're just swapping what container it's in.
Really!? Thanks for that! You're a star! I didn't realise it was so easy! I will definitely be purchasing in that case. I think this will be the only collection I'll be purchasing from until the Sharon & Kelly collection maybe.


Well-known member
You know when you depot a shadow and take out the plastic part first? Just do that and swap them into a different compact so they snap back in. No need to actually properly depot them as you're just swapping what container it's in.
Really!? Thanks for that! You're a star! I didn't realise it was so easy! I will definitely be purchasing in that case. I think this will be the only collection I'll be purchasing from until the Sharon & Kelly collection maybe.
No problem - enjoy! Mine will be here tomorrow, I can't wait! :)


Well-known member
What was you lady's on about depotting and putting bk in to the pot ??? I de pot my stuff but I couldn't quite work out what you were talking about Do you mean when u depot You don't want to get rid of the pot :)


Well-known member
I asked them on twitter and this was the reply I got: @Debenhams: Hi Soph, this will be available in our stores from July so keep an eye out! That can't be right?!
That's crazy, I hope theyre not right because I don't think I can wait that long. And I asked mac about playland and they said it would be in june. :(


Well-known member
The longer I wait for the Playland collection, the more I'm talking myself out of buying! I was originally going to get all the lippes and maybe a casual colour, but now, at most I'l get 3 of the lippies, and I'm about to talk myself down to just 2.


Well-known member
The longer I wait for the Playland collection, the more I'm talking myself out of buying! I was originally going to get all the lippes and maybe a casual colour, but now, at most I'l get 3 of the lippies, and I'm about to talk myself down to just 2. 
Hi Hun I know what you mean but hold on in there :) I have some coming to me from the USA They do look worth the wait Hun I have the cc too I got for your amusement Should of gone darker I think :( Have you ever used a cc before The only thing I had is the lip conditioner in the same sort of pot I hated that though x But obviously that was just for lips x I keep checking the website mad isnt it xxx


Well-known member
It doesn't seem right that the Debenhams release is that far away when Mac have released it online already!
I called my local Debenhams yesterday and they said June for the AA collection. She said I could get it at Selfridges in May!!!! She obviously didn't have a clue that it was already released on the Mac UK site yesterday afternoon. It would have been nice to get the Debs points but nevermind, placed an order with Mac yesterday. Has anyone else seen the email from Debenhams about £10 off 2 products (one to be one of the beauty card award winners - which Mac lipstick is included) If Im right that could be 2 mac lippies for £20!!!!


Well-known member
I called my local Debenhams yesterday and they said June for the AA collection.  She said I could get it at Selfridges in May!!!! She obviously didn't have a clue that it was already released on the Mac UK site yesterday afternoon.  It would have been nice to get the Debs points but nevermind, placed an order with Mac yesterday.  Has anyone else seen the email from Debenhams about £10 off 2 products (one to be one of the beauty card award winners - which Mac lipstick is included)  If Im right that could be 2 mac lippies for £20!!!!
I don't think anyone knows what is going on :( I might tweet selfridges too just to compare. But I can't see how Debenhams can say June/July when it's already released, it just doesn't seem right! I don't think I can wait that long, haha! I'll check my emails :)


Well-known member
I keep checking the website mad isnt it xxx
I haven't had a CC before, but thought I'd give them a go! I've been checking the website daily since they were up as 'coming soon', (I'm a bit ashamed to admit, more than once daily as well!) - I'm like a crazy person! At least now I've started striking thing off of my 'to buy' list, it won't be so bad if I miss out :)

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