UK Release Dates Discussion - All Brands Welcome!


Well-known member
I think I'll probably pass on all the upcoming collections. Just paid nearly 6 grand for plane tickets to Florida for next year, so really need to slow my spending down to let our bank account recover a little. 
OMG you are so lucky going to Florida. Orlando is my absolute favourite place in the world. I've been so many times in the past 10 years or so. The last time I was there was December 2009, a few months later I suddenly became severely disabled and am only now getting better. I'm hoping I'm back to full health by next year so I can hopefully scrape enough money together to go again. My boyfriend loves it as much as I do too and we both need a holiday after everything we've been through the past 4 years. You're going to have such an amazing time. Especially if you're going to Orlando. Disney world is the best. Not to mention all the make up you can get cheaper over there lol. When are you going?


Well-known member
I've never been to America. I've only been on holiday abroad once, and that was to Switzerland in 1987. I can't afford holidays, but my parents pay to take us on holiday in this country once a year - this time it's a week in Skegness again, because the kids like it there and are creatures of habit, both having Aspergers.

I'm starting to lose track of all these collections. Can anyone tell me which is/are due out next and when, please?


Well-known member
These is my haul from USA 2010 I think it was or 2011


Well-known member
The haul altogether lol Had polishes sent to my villa in the us And had to take these back all on the plane Think it was 2012 as didn't start collecting polishes till 2011 dec Sallies is really good out there if your a customer here you can use your pro card there:) You will have a fab time x I ordered pams whimsical polish from the uk and they turned up in the mail post box the day we arrived :) nail mail in the post box When we arrived


Well-known member
I'd like to know when we are getting the Pedro collection! I am so excited for that and the Osbournes !!

I am hoping they are not released the same day. I don't think I would be able to cope. In the Osbournes thread they reckon it is going to be a manic release like Riri.
The osbournes release date is driving me mad, every time I talk to someone I get a different answer!
I have read June, July & even August for the UK. The release date for the US is so soon - Yet there has been a distinct lack of info or swatches for these collections.

Quote: Originally Posted by FashionDoll

OMG you are so lucky going to Florida. Orlando is my absolute favourite place in the world. I've been so many times in the past 10 years or so. The last time I was there was December 2009, a few months later I suddenly became severely disabled and am only now getting better. I'm hoping I'm back to full health by next year so I can hopefully scrape enough money together to go again. My boyfriend loves it as much as I do too and we both need a holiday after everything we've been through the past 4 years.

You're going to have such an amazing time. Especially if you're going to Orlando. Disney world is the best. Not to mention all the make up you can get cheaper over there lol. When are you going?
Bless you. Sending positive thoughts and vibes to you for your improved health over the coming months. I work for the mouse - so if you do manage to make it over there - get in touch as I would be more than happy to get you and your boyfriend into the parks.


Well-known member
Sorry for the super long quote post - I had a lot of catching up to do! This thread can have no posts for days and then suddenly bam!

Has anyone managed to get their hands on the Hourglass Palette before it came perm again?

- EDIT - I meant since it is perm now.


Well-known member
Bless you. Sending positive thoughts and vibes to you for your improved health over the coming months. I work for the mouse - so if you do manage to make it over there - get in touch as I would be more than happy to get you and your boyfriend into the parks. 
Thank you so much, I really appreciate your well wishes! And thank you for your extremely kind offer, that is so sweet of you! You're so lucky getting to move over there and working for Disney. I would love that. I love all things Disney, I'm such a big kid. I'm 24 and I still want to dress up and be a Disney princess lol.


Well-known member
I came here to post that too :) I've ordered the lipstick and the beauty powder.
The Mac email was really prompt this time! I got the email before Maleficent was added to new collections, which (being thursday morning) i was refreshing like a fiend incase Playland showed up today! No luck still :(


Well-known member
I keep checking Playland. I have to go out now, so I'm hoping it doesn't appear this afternoon. Playland will be available at Debenhams and House of Fraser though, won't it?

Someone said on Twitter that Maleficent is also available at Selfridges.


Well-known member
I am nowhere near a MAC counter or Selfridges, unfortunately. I can only get MAC online.

I was really surprised that it came up today. It's only by chance that I checked my emails just as the MAC email came through about it.


Well-known member
You are so welcome! :) Well i'm 26 and just as much as a kid! I can be a bit of a Disney geek too.  I can't wait to be back over there - My list for Sephora is Huge! I live right across from a CCO there (and a Starbucks) - I could not be happier! Haha. I'm trying to work out all the release dates for the collections as I don't want this move to mean me missing out.  I'm not interested in this collection either. I would only want "True Loves Kiss" for the name - I'm too shy to try a Red Lipstick. Ha! The quad colours are blah too. 
Im so happy for u then getting to move back there. I bet you can't wait for the sunshine. My mum and dad went before Christmas and I gave them a long list of things from Sephora for my christmas presents lol. And I'm very happy I'm not the only Disney geek lol. Just so people know True Loves Kiss and the rest of Maleficent are still in stock on Selfridges. I just wanted the lipstick but I couldn't decide if to def get it or not and before I could decide it sold out on Mac. Which ofc made me then regret not buying it so I went and ordered it on Selfridges. My mums going to collect it for me from store so I didn't have to pay postage. Not sure if I should of got it though. I just could not decide. Its looks gorgeous but I have way too many reds that I don't even wear and I'm not really a fan of the amplified formula. I suppose I can always return it aslong as I don't open it.


Well-known member
We've been once (3 years ago), and really loved it. Even though I was never that keen on going to America, I did like it a lot. We especially loved their waterparks, will probably spend more time there this time around as the children are now bigger, and also really looking forward to doing the Harry Pooter bit in Universal Studios properly now my son (who was just 4 at the time) is really into the HP books. We're only going next Easter though, so still over 10 months to go, but wanted to get the flights sorted asap.
Aww your children are going to have such a great time now they're old enough to really enjoy it and go on lots of the rides. They were building Harry Potter last time I was there and it looked huge, if you're sons a fan I'm sure he'll love it. I've never been at Easter but it's suppose to be one of the best times to go weather wise. It'll come round before you know it.


Well-known member
I've never been at Easter but it's suppose to be one of the best times to go weather wise. It'll come round before you know it.
Last time we were there the HP bit was open already, but we didn't do the bigger rides and only looked around Hogwarts on foot (instead of the ride that takes you around). It was very busy though.

Easter is a great time, but it's already very hot then. On our last day it was 35 C! Mind you it was a bit later in the year as Easter is early April next year. A friend of mine who lives in Miami says they prefer going in Jan/Feb when it's around 20 C and the parks are half empty, but of course we're also going for the warm weather, so it wouldn't suit us (plus would be a nightmare with school holidays, it's bad as it is, you're really not supposed to take them out during term time, but we're taking them out for 2 days as this way we've saved nearly 2 grand!).


Well-known member
Last time we were there the HP bit was open already, but we didn't do the bigger rides and only looked around Hogwarts on foot (instead of the ride that takes you around). It was very busy though. Easter is a great time, but it's already very hot then. On our last day it was 35 C! Mind you it was a bit later in the year as Easter is early April next year. A friend of mine who lives in Miami says they prefer going in Jan/Feb when it's around 20 C and the parks are half empty, but of course we're also going for the warm weather, so it wouldn't suit us (plus would be a nightmare with school holidays, it's bad as it is, you're really not supposed to take them out during term time, but we're taking them out for 2 days as this way we've saved nearly 2 grand!).
Oh I know its crazy how just a couple of days outside school holidays can save you so much money. Jan/Feb is a quiet time to go but like you said you don't get the nice hot weather. To be honest I think it's just one of them places you can go anytime of year and have an amazing time.


Well-known member
Well, yes, it is very expensive, BUT there are 5 of us and it's pretty far. Considering that flights within Europe cost over £1000 for us, at least accommodation in the US is much cheaper. We're going to Portugal this summer and the cost isn't far off the Florida cost, just the other way around, cheaper flights but expensive accommodation.

No, me neither.

Really? In that case, Florida almost sounds like value for money. Have you decided what you will be doing for your accommodation?
Just so people know True Loves Kiss and the rest of Maleficent are still in stock on Selfridges. I just wanted the lipstick but I couldn't decide if to def get it or not and before I could decide it sold out on Mac. Which ofc made me then regret not buying it so I went and ordered it on Selfridges. My mums going to collect it for me from store so I didn't have to pay postage. Not sure if I should of got it though. I just could not decide. Its looks gorgeous but I have way too many reds that I don't even wear and I'm not really a fan of the amplified formula. I suppose I can always return it aslong as I don't open it.
It's not so much the sunshine - it's the way of life. And my social life! Haha. Between Sephora and Ulta - I go cray cray!

Do let us know how you get on with TLK. Best name ever! I hope the next Disney Collection they decide on has brighter colours.
Quote: Originally Posted by Anitacska
Easter is a great time, but it's already very hot then. On our last day it was 35 C! Mind you it was a bit later in the year as Easter is early April next year. A friend of mine who lives in Miami says they prefer going in Jan/Feb when it's around 20 C and the parks are half empty, but of course we're also going for the warm weather, so it wouldn't suit us (plus would be a nightmare with school holidays, it's bad as it is, you're really not supposed to take them out during term time, but we're taking them out for 2 days as this way we've saved nearly 2 grand!).
It can get very cold between December and mid Feb. Serious Sweater Weather and that is perhaps why the parks are quiet. It's so much nicer to be able to walk around the parks in the sun. You said you will visit the water parks - What better way to cool down! Plus you don't mind getting wet on the water rides in the theme parks as you know you will dry quickly. That is a fantastic saving!
Quote: Originally Posted by FashionDoll

Oh I know its crazy how just a couple of days outside school holidays can save you so much money. Jan/Feb is a quiet time to go but like you said you don't get the nice hot weather. To be honest I think it's just one of them places you can go anytime of year and have an amazing time.
So true!

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