UK Release Dates Discussion - All Brands Welcome!


Well-known member
Hi Quick swatches of geurlain kiss kiss 2014 lipsticks In colours left to right 325 and 366 Love them 325 is a red and the mini freebie 366 full size I sent my armani lippy back I disliked it wasn't for me and thought cannot waste 20 odd quid I didn't put it on I just looked at it and thought na to dark for me as I wanted number 508 I think it was and I was thinking about it And it had sold out grrrr


Well-known member
I got worried today when I looked at the MAC website and couldn't find Face & Body. It's the one foundation I've found that is pale enough for my skin, and doesn't show up dry flaky patches on my face.


Well-known member
It has been changed for Studio Face and Body and it'll be a little more expensive. I don't know if the formula is different,


Well-known member
I've just noticed that they have reduced the price of the quad & duo palettes and also the inserts. However the large palettes are still ridiculously priced at £14!


Well-known member
Just spoke to mac chat who say that the look in a box sets are online only so there goes my chance of getting embrace me... *bangs head against brick wall*


Well-known member
I've just noticed that they have reduced the price of the quad & duo palettes and also the inserts. However the large palettes are still ridiculously priced at £14! 
Hi omg have noticed that Everytime I go to my local mac I always tell them about the cost of the palletes over there like you can buy a double duo one with both inserts for about ten pounds or less Here lol to buy the same you know how much it was about 30.00 pounds rip off 14.00 for duo 6.00 each for insert lol I'm glad they have reduced it x:))))) X I still have mine at my friends :) I need it now though lolx


Active member
anyone been on the boots website lately? it lists in the maybelline colour tattoos section loads of new colour… vintage plum, creamy beige, pink nude, naked ambition and cream de nude. You can't actually add them to your basket but i wonder if this means we'll be getting new colours?


Well-known member
anyone been on the boots website lately? it lists in the maybelline colour tattoos section loads of new colour… vintage plum, creamy beige, pink nude, naked ambition and cream de nude. You can't actually add them to your basket but i wonder if this means we'll be getting new colours?
Oh I hope so!!


Well-known member
I bought two Glamour Edit boxes (one for myself and one for my mum) and they're both exactly the same! Same shades of lipstick, blush and nail polish! I got the shade Minx, the blush in 01 and a light pink polish!


Well-known member
I bought 2 glamour boxes too and got the same in everything but got starkers lippy! I thought there were 7 different shades of lippy so thought I stood a good chance of getting a different colour!


Well-known member
I was in Boots today, and I saw there were messages by the Advantage Card machines, saying that they will be removing the machines and that we should 'download the app' to get offers in future. Most unfair, I thought, since only people with 'smart phones' will be able to get the offers. I'm not happy as it means I will miss out.


Well-known member
For a while now, I've been seeing L'Oreal Infallible eyeshadows in Poundland, but only usually the Blue Curacao, Pebble Grey and Coconut Shake. Yesterday I was in our local branch and they also had Burning Black, Endless Chocolat, Innocent Turquoise, Purple Obsession and Naughty Strawberry, so I bought a backup of each.


Well-known member
For a while now, I've been seeing L'Oreal Infallible eyeshadows in Poundland, but only usually the Blue Curacao, Pebble Grey and Coconut Shake. Yesterday I was in our local branch and they also had Burning Black, Endless Chocolat, Innocent Turquoise, Purple Obsession and Naughty Strawberry, so I bought a backup of each.
Thanks - I'll take a look this afternoon :)


Well-known member
Really? It didn't mention that on the sign, it only mentioned downloading an app. I will have to investigate. Thank you
Yeah if you go into your account on the Boots site and then the advantage card section it will let you load offers to your card for instore use.


Well-known member
Yeah if you go into your account on the Boots site and then the advantage card section it will let you load offers to your card for instore use.
Thank you :)

Not quite as user-friendly as having the vouchers in your hand to see what the offers are while you're in store though, is it?


Well-known member
The Boots app is a waste of time considering you can't actually access 3G/4G whilst in their stores and they don't offer wifi!

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