Ok, I'm rubbish at quotes so will follow sweetoothj's example!
sweetoothj: Thanks for finding the 12 compartment box! I'm going to order some of these when I have a bit more spare cash!
anita22: Andrea Fulerton is a manicurist to the celebrities. She released a line quite recently in Superdrugs with the aim being to make nail art and nails both easy and affordable. Whenever I check out the stand it's always fairly bare - everything's out of stock!
andsparkle: Oh wow, nice spot! I'm dying to try nfu-oh but those prices are crazy. There's definitely a UK based site that sells them for cheaper than that but I can't remember the name of it.
I was in London yesterday and really wanted to pick up the Chanel Rouge Byzantine lipstick but I ran out of time

I dunno if they'd have any left in stock now anyway... I also really want to do a bit of a Chanel haul but am waiting for Debenhams to have one of their beauty events. 10% off or even just some bonus points would do very nicely!