um... Milk Of Magnesia... on your face?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Larkin
When you have super oily skin as some people such as I do, you're willing to try different things to keeps your face from looking like you sprayed it with baby oil after 2hrs. I didn't get have a WTF moment when I read about using MOM on your face. Even though it's a laxative, I know & understand it's composition, so I thought "wow, that's clever!"

I like it. I can definitely tell a difference when I use it and when I don't. The only draw back is that it may lighten your foundation a bit.

As for the reviewer who said "it made them poo"
she's an idiot and a liar. Ridiculous

It's not as crazy an idea as putting monistat on your face or drinking castor oil to induce labour. We use products, for example, in health care for off brand reasons all the time.

MoM we use frequently to orally supplement magnesium in patients, rather than the more risky IV MgSO4, whenever possible. We do the same for oral fleet, which is a phosphate product, a laxative, but useful in supplementing low blood phosphate levels. Lactulose, another laxative, is used to bring down dangerously high levels of ammonia in the blood stream.

MoM though, is still an electrolyte and an alkaline solution, so yes it can be absorbed topically, as can other medications, and should be treated carefully. Anyone who has kidney damage should absolutely not use this product in any way shape or form.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NeonKitty
It's not as crazy an idea as putting monistat on your face or drinking castor oil to induce labour. We use products, for example, in health care for off brand reasons all the time.

MoM we use frequently to orally supplement magnesium in patients, rather than the more risky IV MgSO4, whenever possible. We do the same for oral fleet, which is a phosphate product, a laxative, but useful in supplementing low blood phosphate levels. Lactulose, another laxative, is used to bring down dangerously high levels of ammonia in the blood stream.

MoM though, is still an electrolyte and an alkaline solution, so yes it can be absorbed topically, as can other medications, and should be treated carefully. Anyone who has kidney damage should absolutely not use this product in any way shape or form.

I'm a nurse, you too?


Well-known member
I heard about the MoM mask years ago as a good oil absorbant treatment mask for oily skin. Never tried it as a primer, though.


Well-known member
Milk of Magnesium has never worked for me -- it is opaque on application and then flakes off
... I use a mattifier if I need to.


Well-known member
How do you use it as a mask? Just slather loads of it on?

its still not working for me. i'm still as shiny as can be.

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Originally Posted by pianohno
Milk of magnesia?

...even the thought of it makes me want to be sick - even if it works fantastically I could simply NOT put it anywhere near me, let alone on my face!

I take it then you'd be opposed to putting Preparation H under your eyes to reduce swelling and puffiness???

What price Beauty?

As an Entertainer these little remedies are a life saver! The Milk of Magnesia mask is a regimen that Madonna, and I believe, Cher uses before they hit the stage.

If it's good enough for the "Pageant Girls" it's good enough for me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vocaltest
How do you use it as a mask? Just slather loads of it on?

its still not working for me. i'm still as shiny as can be.

Pretty much. Since it is liquidy, it can be quite messy. It does absorb oil very well, though.


Well-known member
It's still working well for me both as a mask, and as a primer under my LG Spackle.

When I said it minimized my pores I didn't explain:

My pores look ok, not so noticeable, until I start getting shiny. When the oil comes out, it clears the makeup out of the pores, I guess, and they start to show. Then I'm constantly powdering on every break. By the end of the night, my foundation looks dotted, almost. With the MoM, since it keeps my oil to a BARE minimum, my pores aren't showing through the makeup. It's a much needed improvement, for me at least.

I put on the MoM, and I don't care if it's streaky or not, and then when it dries, I put my makeup primer over that. I've got no complaints so far.

I don't water it down, just use a damp cotton pad. I don't rinse it off, and it hasn't given me the poops yet, either.
I love MOM! I've been using this stuff for about a couple of years now. I have extremely oily skin, but this stuff really makes it manageable
and I've also noticed it helps with my breakouts. I don't break out that much anymore =] If anyone suffers from oily skin you should definitely give this a try.


Well-known member
I can't figure out how to use it. ;/ My nose gets shiny, and I put some on, let it dry, washed it off.. an hour later I saw the shine was coming through my makeup. Ugh. How do you work this stuff? Put LOADS of it on? Like coats and coats?


Well-known member
No, I use it as a primer.

I put MOM on and Clarins Primer Let it sit for 5 to 10 min while I do my eye makeup. Then I apply my foundation.
Originally Posted by Tahti
I can't figure out how to use it. ;/ My nose gets shiny, and I put some on, let it dry, washed it off.. an hour later I saw the shine was coming through my makeup. Ugh. How do you work this stuff? Put LOADS of it on? Like coats and coats?

If I put on coats of it it'll leave my skin like a desert lol, too drying. I just put a thin layer with a cotton ball. I don't even wash it off..I let it dry and then I put on a little bit of my moisturizer over it to get rid of any chalkyness. Then I just go ahead and apply my makeup as usual. Hope this helps


Well-known member
If I'm in a hurry and don't have a cotton ball handy, I'll shake the bottle and get what's on the cap with a finger (with clean hands, by the way.) I haven't used it in a while since I just started a new skincare regime and I don't want anything to interfere with it in case I start breaking out, then I'll wonder which thing is breaking me out! But it definitely does the trick. If it dries too chalky in some spots, I'll just rub it in where it's showing and then apply makeup over it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by highonmac
Where do I find MoM ladies? I have terribly oily skin and would love to find this product

You should be able to find it at any drug store. It's actually laxative, so look for it w/ the other OTC medications. Make sure you get the regular unflavored kind and it's doesn't need to be name brand. Generic MoM works just as well.


Well-known member
since I have not had the best of luck with MOM, I have been using Mario Badescu's drying cream at night over my night cream.. I have almost no visible pores around my T zone, and my skin feels fantastic! Try it, it is $12 and works wonders on zits as well as diminish pores on T zones