Um, whoops?


Well-known member
Just a reminder: if you're going to shout at the neighbours for letting their door slam all the time, if helps if you haven't got pink dots of MB Drying Lotion spotted all over your face, an electric orange lactic acid mask on your t-zone and bits of bright blue azulene mask spotted anywhere else that isn't covered. For a bonus I also had a fluro pink bathcap on since I was colouring my hair at the same

I don't know if I got my point across through sheer force of will or if I just terrified them into submission.

Any supremely embarassing moments you have to share?


Well-known member
LOL That's the funniest thing I've heard in like...weeks. You rock & I would have paid money to have seen that.


Well-known member
I love you Lara.
My embarrassing moments usually involve falling. Out of my truck, out of the house, into the pool, whatever.

Though, I did have a clay mask on one time in Basic Training when the Drill Sergeant came in. We'd been out in the field and the camo paint was just HORRID on the skin, so I was using the mask to really, you know, take care of everything.
I'm standing there at parade rest and the DS walks past me, gets two females down, and stops.
He turns around.
Loooooooks at me.
"Female, what in the bloody blue FUCK is on your face?"
"It's a cleansing mask, Drill Sergeant."

He had nothing to say to that other than to stare at me for like 2 minutes in what I can only assume was contempt.


Well-known member
When my youngest was still nursing, each morning I generally got dressed, minus shirt, and sat down to nurse her before getting the day started. One particular day, I did as I usually did, putting on my bra and the rest of my clothes and shoes. I feed my daughter and then decided it would be a good day to go shopping. So I got the kids ready to go and stepped outside to the community parking lot to load the car.

With no shirt on.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I love you Lara.
My embarrassing moments usually involve falling. Out of my truck, out of the house, into the pool, whatever.

Though, I did have a clay mask on one time in Basic Training when the Drill Sergeant came in. We'd been out in the field and the camo paint was just HORRID on the skin, so I was using the mask to really, you know, take care of everything.
I'm standing there at parade rest and the DS walks past me, gets two females down, and stops.
He turns around.
Loooooooks at me.
"Female, what in the bloody blue FUCK is on your face?"
"It's a cleansing mask, Drill Sergeant."

He had nothing to say to that other than to stare at me for like 2 minutes in what I can only assume was contempt.

LMAO that is HILARIOUS! I am totally going to use your drill sergeant's line now. So what did you do for the military?

Lara- That too is hilarious! I wish I could have seen that!

Me... I'm like Shimmer. I trip a lot. I have no grace what-so-ever. My ex boyfriend once told me "I don't get how such a pretty girl can have such little grace." And from then on he called me Grace as a nickname. Having to explain that to people was embarassing on it's own. Sorry though, no particular story comes to mind right away.


Well-known member
Haha... My Mom and I used to say, "grace" everytime one of us tripped or stumbled lol... I had so forgotten that until you reminded me rofl...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Luna*
LMAO that is HILARIOUS! I am totally going to use your drill sergeant's line now. So what did you do for the military?

Lara- That too is hilarious! I wish I could have seen that!

Me... I'm like Shimmer. I trip a lot. I have no grace what-so-ever. My ex boyfriend once told me "I don't get how such a pretty girl can have such little grace." And from then on he called me Grace as a nickname. Having to explain that to people was embarassing on it's own. Sorry though, no particular story comes to mind right away.

I was a scrub tech. Worked in the OR.

I hated that guy.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
this is my Mom's recent embarrassing moment.

Mom, her bf and I was cleaning out the pond and there was this huge plant that just refused to come out so i had the job of levering it, no such luck, branch snaps and mom falls off a rock (LMAO) i go around and helps mom to pull the plant out. She falls off the same damn rock, again and accidentally elbowed/punched me in the face on the way down o_O

Got the plant out eventually. Today we put a netting on the pond and mom steps backwards, fell off the SAME rock she fell off the day before, by now it was just too funny not to laugh. Then dad came round to get me and he was helping her with the netting thing when she stood, on the same rock again. yes again! You can guess what happened lmao, yes she fell off again and rolled onto the grass, squashing her new flowers. it was hysterical. Dad sent her a text saying: News Flash! Carole has been seen falling for a Rolling Stone, could it be Jagger? Tune in later to find out.

I'd thought after the first two time she would've learnt not to stand on the same freaking rock. But still it cheered me up cos i literally did rotfl crying my eyes out with laughter.

Another Janice!

Well-known member
The single most embarrassing moment I can remember is...

Freshman year of HS, I was riding around with my dad's gf daughter and her friends. I think they were juniors.

So, anyway, we stop at Dairy Queen and all get a cone. We're riding around and there's a bunch of kids hanging out in the school parking lot. School had just started and this was in the evening. We pull up to the school to socialize.

Everyone gets out of the car, I'm in the backseat. My foot catches on the front passenger's (2 door) seat belt. Since I was holding my cone, I couldn't even put my arms out to catch myself, so when I fell, I fell face first into the cone on the parking lot.

I look up and there's like 30 people looking at me, making sure I was ok.

I wanted to die. Great first impression at a new school...huh?


Well-known member
Oh, let me add...
I can't walk in flats. I can wear athletic shoes, flip flops, or heels. That's pretty much it.
Everything else? I can't walk in them.
I will stumble, trip, wobble, and just all around make a fool of myself wearing flats.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Oh, let me add...
I can't walk in flats. I can wear athletic shoes, flip flops, or heels. That's pretty much it.
Everything else? I can't walk in them.
I will stumble, trip, wobble, and just all around make a fool of myself wearing flats.

Thats ok, we all look a million times better in heels anyways


Well-known member
Hahah, I have a knack for tripping at the most inopportune moments. Once when I was in college, I was walking up an icy hill to class. I had my boots on, so I wasn't too worried about the ice. Coming towards me was this very hot guy, so I was giving him the old, "come hither, hot guy," look. Just as he's returning said look and about to walk past me, I slip on the ice and go sailing backwards onto the pavement. Fortunately, hot guy had quick reflexes and grabbed me before my head hit the ground (not fast enough to keep me from hitting my ass pretty forcefully). He's like, "Wow, are you okay?" A better woman probably would have taken the opportunity of being in a hot guy's arms to get his number, but I just sort of mumbled, "Fine, thanks," and skittered away.


Well-known member
oh, lara that is priceless! hey, if it worked and they quit slamming their door, let me know so i can fly you out here and you can take care of my asshead neighbours too.

i seem to have a problem falling out of cars...i don't know why. but if i'm in the back seat of a two door car, i can't get out without stumbling out.