Unbelieveable seller sells fake MAC on Baby Forum!


Well-known member
Hiya all
this forum really caught my eye due to the fact that one of the "mommies"openly peddles her counterfeit Mac ,and other fakes to lots of other moms in US!I went trough all her comments and replies and i simply cannot believe that stupilidity of some of the mothers.

Here is the website
Shopping & Classifieds: MAC and Chanel cosmetics!!! come and seee!!!!
Im pasting one of the seller replies to the query about Mac makeup,it is so,so pathetic but like one of the moms pointed out at least "Brightside is being honest that she is selling replicas" wth ???All this is truly beyond me girls!

They are suppose to be responsible mothers??Friggin hell

"Suzy is this stuff close to actual MAC makeup? Im not sure I understand replica makeup.... Can you ... [snip!] ... actual MAC makeup.... I didnt want to read thru all the pages so can you help me out? You know Im a good customer lol”

haha for sure! ive actually answered about 10 PMs already about this LOL

makeup is actually easier to eplicate than bags and such. By law any product that a consumer applies to thier body (food, makeup, lotion,etc) MUST have the ingrideients listed for that product, to pertain from people getting allergies and such.
So these major replica companies take the ingridients and play around with them. my distributor actually has study labs where they have conducted tests and mastered perfect replication of the make ups quality.
ive been searching fora looong time for makeup. But the main thing is some of these distributors make crappy ass makeup. Its basically covergirl with a MAC stamp on it LOL.

I search and search and provide number one quality to my customers and nothing but that <3
Thats why im able to offer such a warranty like i have with my boutique. its backed by customer satisfaction, and assurance in our prodcts.
Warranty...wth ,ingriedients tested???Im truly shocked !I just find all this ....morally wrong but then that's just me


Ooops this is her actual website :[url=http://www.brightsideboutique.org
you can have a look at all the fake Mac she sells,it is password protected but she does advertise the password on the Babygaga forums:replica123


Well-known member
im going throught the comments now and this was my fave one i was like wtf?

Quoting ♥LuvMyCRV♥:“ What I mean is If you can't afford MAC...why pretend...why don't you buy L'oreal or something from the regular store?”

"Mac has better quality products than say Covergirl.

Why spend 20 bucks on real mac when I can buy some FAKE mac that is the same quality as real mac and better than cover girl?"


Well-known member
what i find funny is like these moms are eating it up lol.......but they girl who is selling them she orders from another company and then re sells them?


Well-known member
OMG!!! I can't believe that crap!

She says "my distributor actually has study labs where they have conducted tests and mastered perfect replication"

Yea RIGHT! that is probably what her seller of fakes is telling her! We all know the crap those fakes seller spout out.

Whoever buys that stuff is a fool.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chynegal
what i find funny is like these moms are eating it up lol.......but they girl who is selling them she orders from another company and then re sells them?

Hiya Chynagal
i know,i know...english is my second language but Brightside spelling errors on her actual Birghtsideboutique ,website made me cringe not to mention the fact that it is illegal what she does i mean it would be illegal under the Trading Act in UK,i don't know about US ?
Her Mac Hello Kitty and othe fake Mac she sells is just nasty!Since I became a mother im more aware of the issues involved with counterfeits/fakes /replicas.When i was pregnant and later breastfeeding i would not even take aspirin,dye my hair or use certain makeup in case it somehow inadvertedly affected my kids
so yeah im really surprised that so many mums buy this "replica Mac" on this"Babygaga" forums!


Well-known member

I can't believe how stupid those women are. If they have that much disregard for their own bodies that they'd use such shady cosmetics, I wonder how much regard they have for their kids? E.g. if they're wearing the dodgy foundation, powder and blush and their kid touches their face then puts their finger into their mouth. Have some sense now!

And what makes you think that the fake MAC you buy is going to be the same quality as real MAC? It's cheap and nasty for a reason people.


Well-known member
1. LOL at the lustreglass jars

2 These people who are agreeing that buying fake cosmetics is a steal, leave those idiots be. I would think that common sense will tell them NOT to buy fake ANYTHING you put on your face. I'm not a fan of counterfeit ANYTHING< but hell if I were to purchase something fake, it would at least be a pocketbook or something, nothing I put on my face on a daily bases.

3. I just feel bad in genral for people who buy fake cosmetics, not just there, but on Ebay as well. Why not just play it safe and buy directly from the brand? Or at least a CCO ?
If you're being that cheap to save a few dollars on an eyeshadow, you can't afford it in the first place, and might as well save up the money.
Damn what's wrong with people?
*rant over*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
Brightside aka Suzy has been asked to delete any of her posts regarding sales due to the no counterfeit rule by the site owner. Really catty girl but she has a loyal fan base so they know where to buy. I've spent freaking an hour going over her posts and apparently she has a habit of bullying people who supposedly sell authentic products as well and has her customers do the same. That's loyalty but she has removed the pics and posts from baby-gaga but people will still buy by the looks of it.

I wonder how SSI would feel that she's making all this side income off of her checks. Pretty sure you have to disclose any and all money coming into your home but yet illegal goods being sold isn't probably being disclosed. God that site just made me not really regret being a parent if that's the way they treat one another and damn I love Specktra where we're not calling each other lying "cunts" all the time.

Bella, I love you for stumbling upon her. I'd really like to tell the girl off even if it was only via messaging. XD

Thank you Linn

I am a mother...and like i mentioned before im very wary of using anything that could be bad for me or my kids health but Brightsides arrogant statements really made me mad!
Her followers are just meak and weak that's the only way i can describe that lot. I can proudly admit that i don't own any kinda fake /counterfeit product in my house!All those fake D&G belts,Armani t shirts ,LV bags ,etc just don't rock my boat.
Linn,when you actually log onto Brightside website,her info (very educated guess too i must say)about production&distribution of Mac is full of mad ramblings
The whole flowery design of the website looks very messy like someone has decided to chuck some flowers in random manner in a fit of temper!!
Below is the Suki/Brightside, info about MAC....Catch you later girls

"I have searched HIGH AND LOW for grade AAA+ replica MAC,and am finally proud to introduce our wonderful MAC products now for sale!!!
Unlike MANY cheap fake MAC ours are produced in canada, and my distributor is located right here in the USA! DONT fall for crappy chinese makeup products (did you know in china it only costs them 8 cents to MAKE a pigment? Thats how bad the quality is!)
Get it NOW, get them FAST, and i guarentee you will be 100% satisfied with our MAC products!http://www.brightsideboutique.org/up...00.jpg?473x353


Well-known member
so how does she have non existant "MAC" products if the ingriedients are copied directly from mac products and replicated?