Update on my kitty (with photos)


Well-known member
I looked for my old post about this, and it seems to have vaporized itself. That happens.

Anyhow, you may recall my poor kitty having been injured in early July. My computer has been quite wonkified and I've been using makeshift sorta-computers for a long time. Now that my computer is back, I can give and update and kitty pics!

Guess who has learned how to climb out of her kennel, and who is currently walking about in my and Jeremy's back rooms? Yup! She's up and about and getting more than a little fed up with the confinement and bandage.

My computer has been on the fritz, so I've been unable to upload these until now...


From the 9th/10th of July- shortly after returning home. She's still got her staples in these ones. The Marty Mouse toy is courtesy of one of Sobriety's poker buddies, Matt. It seems he wanted to get a real cast on a larger toy, but UPMC wouldn't do it. Sobriety loves that little toy though, and will carry it around and snuggles with it, so maybe things worked out for the better.


Just took this one Monday, she's up on Jeremy's bed- got there all by herself too! She's got a smaller bandage now, no splint to it, her staples have been out for some time, and she's anxious to get this all over with and to be able to run about the house again. She's not completely out of the woods yet, and there are still lots of vet bills to be paid, but she's alive, and on the mend, and that's what matters.

For those who missed what happened, and are interested, all the info is available here: http://www.livejournal.com/users/mar...e/tag/sobriety (it's in reverse chronological order, with the start of the incident at the bottom, and the most recent update at the top)


Well-known member
She looks like a very poorly shorn poodle, she's less embarassed by the shaven-ness lately, and has regained her queen-of-the-world attitude. Ah cats =^.^=


Well-known member
aww poor kitty. im so glad kitty is ok!!! i would die of a broken heart if anything happen to my 3 princesses!!


Well-known member
Awww! She is so pretty! I have kitty that looks just like her! Glad she is doing good..hehe she does kinda look like a poodle lol


Well-known member
Thanks for the update. I was wondering how she was doing. She looks like a real fighter.


Well-known member
i'm glad she's recovering so well. i did not know she was injured until reading this, as far as i can recall. do you know what caused her injury? again, i'm glad she's on her way to wellness!



Well-known member
aw poor kitty. glad shes doing better though. cats look so silly when they are shaved , and usually shaved for medical reasons . although medical reasons are sad its hard not to chuckle when you see a cat walkin around with half its hair gone. it looks like shes wearing a long sleeved sweater. very cute .


Well-known member
She is hanging in there, waiting to be able to get that bandage off and then I expect she'll be bathing that leg nonstop for a full day. She REALLY wants to get that bandage off.

Tomorrow we find out if she needs a skin graft.