Update on my kitty (with photos)


Well-known member
I just read your story about your baby.. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Sobriety, im glad she is recovering well. Keep us updated.


Well-known member
what a good kitty! i'm so glad she's doing better. Best wishes to you both.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by breathless
awww! i'm almost in tears i'm so happy she's doing better!

She's hangin' in there. It's prep work for if I ever have kids, that's for darn sure!


Well-known member
Today Sobriety was sent home from her weekly checkup bandage-free. Her leg still looks a bit unappetizing, for lack of a better word, but the leg needs to be out of bandages to finish healing. The skin is very tender, and the roughness of her tongue has already given it a brush-burn like appearance. She has the soft e-collar on for now, but is very determined to lick at her leg. I have a feeling she will win this battle.
I've chosen not to post photos at this point, as those with weak stomachs most likely won't want to see them.


Well-known member
I'm glad your kitty is doing better!

I have had a few scares with my fur baby too, I know it's stressful.


Well-known member
Poor Kitty!! I hope she gets better soon!!!
My cat looks just like yours! but shes 4 months old.
Good luck with the recovery!