Urban Decay Primer Potion Discussion


Well-known member
The Sephora I went to today didnt have the squeeze tube, they said they would probably get it in the stores in the next couple of weeks. Im thinking about picking up Eden and Greed


Well-known member
Just bought the original UDPP at Sephora... As an e/s junkie I'm ashamed it's taken me so long to get it. I tend not to wear much makeup to work because I sweat and get splashed with a lot of water (I work in a butcher shop), but I can't wait to try this out tomorrow!
I've found that bold shades are a little more work to blend, but it's worth the effort. Most of my stuff is MAC and behaves the way I want it to, but I do have a smashbox set with 30+ e/s that I bought at a duty-free and haven't used because I hate them. With UDPP I can get what I want out of them and can actually make use of the palette. I'm thrilled!



Well-known member
Okay I cannot find it on the Debenham's online store wth? do any UK ladies know if it's even being sold here? the old, the new doesn;t matter...I just need some priper potion!!!!!!!! *cries*

fleur de lis

Well-known member
Beautybay has the old and the new version - here's the new version:

Okay I cannot find it on the Debenham's online store wth? do any UK ladies know if it's even being sold here? the old, the new doesn;t matter...I just need some priper potion!!!!!!!! *cries*


Well-known member
I've been using this product consistently for the past 3yrs now and I absolutely love it... or I did until recently.

I've noticed lately that my eye shadow has started to crease again. It would be worse without the UDPP but up until the last month or two it never, ever creased. I haven't changed anything in my routine that I can think of to cause this. I have naturally quite oily eyelids and I don't put moisturiser on them so I know it isn't that making it worse. Has anyone ever experienced this? Any suggestions? I have another full tube that hasn't even been opened yet so I'm gonna be really disappointed if I can't continue to use it.



Well-known member
I honestly can't remember, but it hasn't been opened a full year yet. Should I chuck it and use the other one?


Staff member
That is bizarre. Mine's been open over a year, and it works fine. Heh. Go ahead and open the other one, then. :)


Well-known member
I've been using this product consistently for the past 3yrs now and I absolutely love it... or I did until recently.

I've noticed lately that my eye shadow has started to crease again. It would be worse without the UDPP but up until the last month or two it never, ever creased. I haven't changed anything in my routine that I can think of to cause this. I have naturally quite oily eyelids and I don't put moisturiser on them so I know it isn't that making it worse. Has anyone ever experienced this? Any suggestions? I have another full tube that hasn't even been opened yet so I'm gonna be really disappointed if I can't continue to use it.


The same happened to me about a year ago. I opened a new mini one that I had, and it still happened. Like you, I have very oily lids. I switched to NARS smudgeproof shadow base, and it works great. I've read that skin can adjust to what is being applied to it, (especially in the case of primer type products) and in turn, the products will become ineffective. I guess this would be similar to using oil control products, and the skin's reaction, therefore producing more oil.


New member
The UD primer is one of my favorites though I have found that it loses it strength some after awhile. I also really like stay dont stray from benefit and shadow insurance from too faced (the only thing I like from them)


Well-known member
Thanks for your replies.

I bought a TFSI and opened my other UDPP. I think part of the problem was I was over-washing my face and it was producing more oil to compensate. I haven't worn make-up in a couple weeks (been sick and then had surgery) so when I do on Saturday I'll hopefully see a difference.

Both TFSI and UDPP were still creasing before I got sick, so we'll see how it goes! :)


Staff member
Annnnnnnd then shortly after my last post in here, my own UDPP became less effective at keeping my eyeshadows from creasing. Currently I go back and forth between that and NYX's HD eyeshadow primer. I want to try NARS Smudgeproof, too.


Well-known member
Typical, right? Darn thing. I really wanna try NARS Smudgeproof, too - but I dunno. Feel like I should wait to buy another one until I've used all of my UDPP or TFSI, lol.


Well-known member
I'd used the UDPP during two years and found it became less effective over time. I've also tried the Nars and liked it even less. At the moment I'm using Benefit's RSVP as a primer and so far so good. Fingers crossed!
I also have oily and aging eyelids and have learned not to expect miracles from any product.


Well-known member
I've been using UDPP for the last few years and have yet to have any trouble with it. I have a backup tube of the Pro sized Original but the one that I've been using for over a year has performed perfectly. I also have a regular sized tube of Sin...I love it but I rarely use it. Original tends to work for all of my looks. I've never had trouble with blending as I noticed someone mentioned in an older post. I have yet to try a primer that gave me better (or equal) wear with no creasing or fading so until something odd happens with UDPP I will continue to consider it my HG eye shadow primer!


Well-known member
UDPP was definitely put to the test over the weekend and it held up perfectly. The sweat/humidity didn't make my eyeshadow budget at all.