urgh uk bb


Well-known member
ahhh, I'm addicted already, I love Nikki yet she annoys me haha & I love Lea & Richard!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by as_cute_as_pie
helo yeah im from there too
where do u work if thats not too personal

yeah their grouping kinda reminds me of when michelle stu nd co were in the house how they were totally divided
they've all coupled up though and yey i cant wait until them people go in who won the kit kat thing that should 'spice things up' a bit lol

No its not personal, I just work for Newcastle Council at the mo while I get my 'career path' sorted out! Odd to come across someone from the NE on such an international board! Nice to meet you chick x


Well-known member
argh a no esp when her nd george well imogen was there too but not really sayin anything going on about nikki nd her outside mates being slutty

soo new people...


Well-known member
The new people were totally obvious choices... not sure about the blonde girl but the guy/girl seems quite nice... have to wait n see I think!!!


Well-known member
yep but what im wondering is whether sezer will stray from imogen esp for the new blonde girl he seems a bit of a player lol


Well-known member
i cant beleive straight away, grace said the new blonde girl would be ugly without makeup! give her 5 minutes before you slate her!!

shes obviously threatened!!

I adore nikki, she is so dramatic and completely hysterical!

I want to kill grace, i cant even beleive shes 20, 20 going on 40 more like x


Well-known member
GEORGE HAS LEFT THE BB HOUSE... poor grace... or nikki... lol!

im actually starting to warm to Grace, though she isnt anything special. Gosh i would give a good slap with my pimp hand (if i had one) to Nikki, if i was living there... as im not.. its fun entertainment.. I hate that fugly face she makes when shes all moany. I love having someone to hate on!

I was up (doing my work for my final assessment lol) watching the live feed off c4, and OH GOSH i swear mikey and grace had some slippery fingers under the covers.

Im also growing on Pete... is he becoming sexier everyday :\


Well-known member
hah nikki annoys me by only wearing mascara nd eyeliner on one eye wtf is up with that?! lol makes her look like she has one titch eye and one big one lol weird

i dont like mikey bleurgh ever since his audition tape with woman have to serve men speech

yey george is left what a loser

The new girl Aisleyne, she's an idiot, I don't like her at all" said Sezer "she's up herself, she's a tramp, got a face like a bulldog. She's gonna cause problems, we're gonna rub each other up the wrong way and Richard is gonna try to provoke it" he suggested.

copied the above off the bb site omg 'shes up herself' and this is sezer said this how stupid. hah shes just said hes picking on her a bit nd tht wont stand for long yey he shud be brought bk down


Well-known member
hahahahh ive JUST said that to my cousin its her fav word its ALL she says and swears

sezer is such a bully hes even saying it

urgh he makes me sick


Well-known member
OMG I soooo wanna kill Grace she is a fucking spolied brat who likes to get her own way and thinks she's better that everyone else.
She nothing but a bully.

Seazer is a wanker and so is Mikey.

Imogen is nothing but a two faced bitch and all of this fucking about with Seazer is for the cameras.

I hope grace and Seazer are up for eviction this week.

Anyway I want Pete to win he's really funny and the most genuine and lets not forget the most normal one too.