urghhhhhhh!! Someone's stealing my pics on Ebay!


Well-known member
=( Someone has stolen some of pics on Ebay and using it to sell their own stuff with it. Is there anything i can do about it? It's really annoying me.

Now I guess i'll have to start stamping all my pics with watermarks and i didn't want to do that. Is there a quick & easy way to do that..im such a virgin at photo editing programmes!!

Thanks guys xxx


Well-known member
thats annoying! i know how u feel... first i would message them and if anybody bids on their items i would message them too and warn them.


Well-known member
If some of your pictures are hosted on Photobucket etc. instead of only on eBay, you could change the photos the filenames link to. This seems to be a common - though temporary - solution favoured by lots of sellers on the UK eBay discussion group.

The subject has frequently been discussed there so it's worth a look for ideas. In practice though, most people seem to resort to using watermarking. I haven't used it myself, so I can't really offer any help with it, sorry. Perhaps you could also make it clear to potential bidders that you're happy to supply more photos if they contact you?

I hope you can get it sorted out though.


Well-known member
oh my god i can't beleive this is happening!! Some people out there are unbelievable! I strongly suggest you watermark all the pictures and report the person who stole the pictures.
Sorry i can't be much help i'm new to the photo editing stuff too.


Well-known member
^^ Yes, agreed with Nunu. You can report them on Ebay. Go down to the bottom of their listings & hit on the link that says "report this item." Sellers can get into trouble for this type of thing.


Well-known member
Report them to ebay and warn anyone who bids on the item. In future, watermark everything. It's a pain I know. I have to watermark all my dread pictures because people will do exactly the same thing with them or even pretend to be me.

I'm sure if you google it or even go on youtibe, there will be watermarking tutorials.


Well-known member
I heard there is a site that you can have your photos protected because some people have, but I don't know anything about it. I would do a search for it. Or, you can click on peoples photos until you find protected ones (When you click it gives a warning that the photos are protected) and then ask that seller about it. I know I didn't give alot to go on, but I at least wanted to mention that there is a way, so you can begin your search. If I find anything I'll post it. Good luck!!


Well-known member
Just report it. At the bottom of each listing is an option to report and problems. Stealing listings/photos is in their list of problems that you can report.


Well-known member
You may want to be careful "warning" bidders--it's auction interference, even if it is being helpful. If the bidder reports you or tells the seller, you'll be in trouble. Just report them, as state above and watermark for future reference.


Well-known member
Whoa! That's creepy. I would also try to identify where the pictures are being taken from. I think this can also help you avoid areas that are prone to flaming too.


Well-known member
Stealing someone else photos are against eBay policies. I would definitely report them and next time use a photo editing software to put your user ID on the photograph. I would it directly on the item in the picture just in case someone else can use another program to crop and edit the picture...that's as if you put your user ID somewhere in the lower corner.


Well-known member
thanks everyone, it's just so unfair that people have to do these kinda things. I will report them. He/she has basically saved my pictures to their computer from my own auctions. Will they know its me who reported them??

Im scared they'll start messing around with my auctions and report them for no good reason, I can imagine people being revengeful like that .


Well-known member
I have had this happen to me several times as well - E-bay has always taken care of it (took down their auction, threatened suspension of their account etc.) with no complaints in my direction from the seller. E-bay does not tell the person who reported them, and in fact does not even tell them that they were reported - only that their auction was taken down due to violation of e-bay's picture stealing policies. I actually still don't watermark because I don't like how it looks, but as a result I imagine that many people have gotten away using my pictures to sell their items. Also, I would definitely NOT message the seller or any of their buyers. It probably won't change anything, and it may well get you into trouble. Definitely let e-bay deal with this one. (Also, I added my copycat sellers to my favorites so I could monitor them and make sure they didn't do it again. They were all either banned or canceled their accounts within a year)


Well-known member
Someone used to take Lauren's pics off ebay (panacea81's) and slightly manipulate it and use it as their own. When I confronted her about it, she stated the pics were hers and it was her own model. When I showed her panaceas store and pics, as well as the same pics as her background to her youtube page, she never replied! SNAP!