Well-known member
I still say it will be a cold day in hell before there is a constitutional ammendment banning same sex marriages. It just won't happen. Now the state level they can do whatever they want-they have state rights-but on the federal level-it won't happen.
I'll look up for the evidence but mostly if you just look at the way people vote. Many people who are republicans this election actually voted for liberterians. Liberterians actually made up a much higher percentage of the vote then they normally would. Heres on the liberterian website etc just for GA:
Georgia LP Election Results
November 7th, 2006 was an historic night for the Libertarian Party of Georgia!
Garrett Michael Hayes received over 77,000 votes for Governor -- more votes than any Georgia Libertarian gubernatorial candidate has ever received!
Allen Buckley received 20,000 more votes in his race for Lt. Governor than did the 2002 Libertarian candidate for Lt. Governor.
Kevin Madsen received over 81,000 votes for Secretary of State -- the most votes any Georgia Libertarian running for Secretary of State has ever received!
David Chastain received over 103,000 votes in his race for State School Superintendent. That's over 5% of the vote -- almost double our 2002 vote total in the State School Superintendent race!
Paul MacGregor pulled 4.87% of the vote in Public Service Commission District 3 which forced the race into a run off between the Democrat and Republican.
Posted by Stephen Gordon at November 9, 2006 01:36 PM
In Wyoming the Libertarian Party has earned major party status, this by virtue of the candidacy of Dennis Brossman for Secretary of State. Brossman earned 18% of the vote.
Why is that important you ask? Because of this- we really have a two party system. Either Democrats or Republicans. But the american people (and the people of GA) are beginning to see what I've been saying all along. Where people say they are fiscally conservative-they look at both records and say uh oh-both the democrats and republicans love to spend money! With the situation with eminate domain most people dont like that but both parties seem to enjoy that...
And then you begin to have the people like me who are very fiscally conservative, very liberal in other standpoints (Gay marriage, abortion) but very conservative on things like illigal immigration but very liberal with the environment.
Seriously the best thing I can tell you is if you start looking into what the voters wanted and want you will find the line is very hazy and most people will eventually say to hell with it-I'm voting for the guy whose name I remember the most.
check out Libertarianism.com (that's just so you can see the results)
and again just off the top of my head:
Look at the Joe Lieberman race. Just look at it. Look and study the details. He lost the democratic primary of connecticut but wound up being voted into the Senate. he's the prime example. He's too conservative for the liberals and he's too liberal for the conservatives. Also look at Rudy Guliani (even though he's not running!) but look at the voters and who they voted for it's beginning to show the line is getting very very hazy.
I'll look up for the evidence but mostly if you just look at the way people vote. Many people who are republicans this election actually voted for liberterians. Liberterians actually made up a much higher percentage of the vote then they normally would. Heres on the liberterian website etc just for GA:
Georgia LP Election Results
November 7th, 2006 was an historic night for the Libertarian Party of Georgia!
Garrett Michael Hayes received over 77,000 votes for Governor -- more votes than any Georgia Libertarian gubernatorial candidate has ever received!
Allen Buckley received 20,000 more votes in his race for Lt. Governor than did the 2002 Libertarian candidate for Lt. Governor.
Kevin Madsen received over 81,000 votes for Secretary of State -- the most votes any Georgia Libertarian running for Secretary of State has ever received!
David Chastain received over 103,000 votes in his race for State School Superintendent. That's over 5% of the vote -- almost double our 2002 vote total in the State School Superintendent race!
Paul MacGregor pulled 4.87% of the vote in Public Service Commission District 3 which forced the race into a run off between the Democrat and Republican.
Posted by Stephen Gordon at November 9, 2006 01:36 PM
In Wyoming the Libertarian Party has earned major party status, this by virtue of the candidacy of Dennis Brossman for Secretary of State. Brossman earned 18% of the vote.
Why is that important you ask? Because of this- we really have a two party system. Either Democrats or Republicans. But the american people (and the people of GA) are beginning to see what I've been saying all along. Where people say they are fiscally conservative-they look at both records and say uh oh-both the democrats and republicans love to spend money! With the situation with eminate domain most people dont like that but both parties seem to enjoy that...
And then you begin to have the people like me who are very fiscally conservative, very liberal in other standpoints (Gay marriage, abortion) but very conservative on things like illigal immigration but very liberal with the environment.
Seriously the best thing I can tell you is if you start looking into what the voters wanted and want you will find the line is very hazy and most people will eventually say to hell with it-I'm voting for the guy whose name I remember the most.
check out Libertarianism.com (that's just so you can see the results)
and again just off the top of my head:
Look at the Joe Lieberman race. Just look at it. Look and study the details. He lost the democratic primary of connecticut but wound up being voted into the Senate. he's the prime example. He's too conservative for the liberals and he's too liberal for the conservatives. Also look at Rudy Guliani (even though he's not running!) but look at the voters and who they voted for it's beginning to show the line is getting very very hazy.