I will be at work tonight. I work at a resturant. If you decide to go out to eat tonight please dont get pissy at your waiter/waitress because you had to wait to get a table, you knew commin into this that youd have to wait. And if you have reservations and you still have to wait, blame it on all the people that think its THEIR night and not anyone elses that sit a a table 2 hours after there finished eating. And please dont be cheap, just cause you think your the man because you bought your woman and expensive dinner but are too cheap to TIP your not the man, your an asshole and I hate you.
So basically
Get in Eat get out, there are 2,000 other people behind you that want to eat too.
Dont overdo yourself, if you know you CANT afford that really expensive place, dont go there go somewhere you can afford or cook at home please, youll probably have more fun there anyway.
Please be nice to your waiter/waitress/hostess/Matre D its not their fault that the resturant is busy. We have the same amount of tables year round, were not going to magically sprout tabes on valentines day.
And last but not lease please tip appropriately. I make a whopping $2.13 an hour, my weekly paycheck sais that its not a check, so you are my sole income, $10 on $100 is not enough, I have a TON of people that I have to tip out a percentage of my sales to at night So I get less than you actually give to me.
/End rant
And thats why I dispise valentines day