Valentine's Day


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Originally Posted by thestarsfall
I've never really celebrated the "holiday" before so this year I wanna actually do something. I bought my boyfriend a present and he is coming over for dinner. And...if the weather permits we are going to a lecture about Criminal Profiling of Murderers. How romantic eh?

I can't wait!
Seriously....I love psychology...

Well, it IS a day for celebrating love.
Keep on lovin' that psychology! I would go to something I genuinely enjoyed too. I loved my psych classes, I should've chosen to major in that.



Well-known member

It's my birthday. Birthdays when you're single suck, but coupled with V-day, it's horrible. So I figure those that are just single have nothing to complain about, haha. Seriously, try being stuck having a birthday dinner with your family who insists on asking you why you didn't have a boyfriend that year and then having the servers sing you happy birthday in front of all the cutesy couples. SUCKS. haha

This year though, I'm back with my pretty boy, so I'm happy.


Well-known member
Well, I'm single, and I agree, it's a total Hallmark Holiday. There is so much pressure surrounding the whole shindig of getting flowers, teddy bears, or some other cliche gift. I've never had a b/f for Valentine's Day, but I am pretty sure I can honestly say I would rather just spend the day with him, maybe exchange cute little gifts that have MEANING, like Mac_Whore said. I love peonies, and I would rather get a big garden Peony than red roses. I know of girls who have stayed with their b/fs just so they could have valentines and do teh whole show of giving gifts, and that's just ludicrous. And then they break up the week after. lol

Nope, I'm not bitter at all. =]


Well-known member
I love Valentines Day...I can see where people are coming from in regards to the 'you dont need one day in a year to show affection' concept.

For me, we are ALWAYS doing something nice or suprising for each other and on VDAY it just lets us spend the whole day together but we're not all mushy or anything. For some, it might be that their bf/gf dont do anything OTHER THAN Vday...that is where the problem comes from. VDAY should not be an obligation, and if someone feels that their significant other is just doing something because its the 14th, thats where i see the problem.

Otherwise, its just another pretty holiday I guess


Well-known member
Valetines is today... but the hubby works all day.... and we have the kiddies...... so my V-day doesnt offically start until this Sat.. then its on like donkey kong


Well-known member
My boyfriend and I are long distance, so I don't get to celebrate with him today
Thankfully, I will be visiting him for March break, and we're going to celebrate our first Valentines' on March 14th
We're going out to an Italian restaurant for dinner, that's all I know so far. Oh, and we're getting dressed up - so I need to find a dress!

And I know so many people hate the idea of Valentines', but this is the first time I have had someone actually care enough about me to want to take me out and be romantic.. so I'm cherishing it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae

It shoulnd't take a Hallmark Holiday for your signifigant other to think to give you flowers, tell you he loves you, or show signs of affection. That should be an everday thing.

Not to mention as it's, "singles awareness day" it points out the absurdity that your somehow "supposed" to be in a relationship.

I shoulnd't have to wait for a specifc day of the year to be reminded of how much he loves me. I'd much rather be surprised by random bouts of affection, instead of expecting him to give me roses, and dinner, and lingerie on Feb 14th.


My husband brings me flowers every week...we go out to dinner almost every night...we spend a lot of time together (it gets easier once your kids get older..
)...and he knows better than to buy me lingerie without me having picked it out...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eastsidesunset

It's my birthday. Birthdays when you're single suck, but coupled with V-day, it's horrible. So I figure those that are just single have nothing to complain about, haha. Seriously, try being stuck having a birthday dinner with your family who insists on asking you why you didn't have a boyfriend that year and then having the servers sing you happy birthday in front of all the cutesy couples. SUCKS. haha

This year though, I'm back with my pretty boy, so I'm happy.

Have a great birthday!!!


Well-known member
I will be at work tonight. I work at a resturant. If you decide to go out to eat tonight please dont get pissy at your waiter/waitress because you had to wait to get a table, you knew commin into this that youd have to wait. And if you have reservations and you still have to wait, blame it on all the people that think its THEIR night and not anyone elses that sit a a table 2 hours after there finished eating. And please dont be cheap, just cause you think your the man because you bought your woman and expensive dinner but are too cheap to TIP your not the man, your an asshole and I hate you.

So basically
Get in Eat get out, there are 2,000 other people behind you that want to eat too.
Dont overdo yourself, if you know you CANT afford that really expensive place, dont go there go somewhere you can afford or cook at home please, youll probably have more fun there anyway.
Please be nice to your waiter/waitress/hostess/Matre D its not their fault that the resturant is busy. We have the same amount of tables year round, were not going to magically sprout tabes on valentines day.
And last but not lease please tip appropriately. I make a whopping $2.13 an hour, my weekly paycheck sais that its not a check, so you are my sole income, $10 on $100 is not enough, I have a TON of people that I have to tip out a percentage of my sales to at night So I get less than you actually give to me.

/End rant

And thats why I dispise valentines day


Well-known member
I actually like Valentine's Day. Yes, of course we should always be in love and appreciative and recieving the flowers and the romance. But, realistically that does not always happen. Valentine's day is nice reminder. I don't think it's about getting x,y, and z. But more about appreciating someone you love in your life...taking the time out to do something special for them.

I mean... aren't we suppose to be "thankful" year round but we have Thanksgiving? Or aren't we suppose to remember loved ones year round but we have Christmas? Or the Christians that only go to church on Easter (ahem my parents)? I think it's a reminder to all to think about your loved ones.

Even when I was single it was still one of my favorite Holidays because I gave out cards to all my girlfriends and we went out to eat.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
I actually like Valentine's Day. Yes, of course we should always be in love and appreciative and recieving the flowers and the romance. But, realistically that does not always happen. Valentine's day is nice reminder. I don't think it's about getting x,y, and z. But more about appreciating someone you love in your life...taking the time out to do something special for them.

I mean... aren't we suppose to be "thankful" year round but we have Thanksgiving? Or aren't we suppose to remember loved ones year round but we have Christmas? Or the Christians that only go to church on Easter (ahem my parents)? I think it's a reminder to all to think about your loved ones.

Even when I was single it was still one of my favorite Holidays because I gave out cards to all my girlfriends and we went out to eat.

I totally agree. Its about for your family love for your friends...etc..last vday my dad bought me, my sister and my mom teddy bears and candies...and this year i bought my brother little INCREDIBLE HULK chocolates...

I think its just a chance to be "girly" and frilly without being made fun of
regardless of who its to.


Well-known member
My favorite Valentine's Day pasttime is hitting WalMart, Kroger, Albertson's, and Hallmark around 3 p.m. and watching the last minute scramble performed by the unprepared men.

Valentine's Day is my son's Bday, so that takes precedence.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
My favorite Valentine's Day pasttime is hitting WalMart, Kroger, Albertson's, and Hallmark around 3 p.m. and watching the last minute scramble performed by the unprepared men. ...

I was at Safeway around that time yesterday. The guy in front of me in line was buying a bouquet of roses and a bulk jar of mixed nuts. I was totally laughing to myself. I was thinking, "Dude, come on! You need to bring your A game on Valentine's! Bulk nuts?" Ahh, who knows, maybe his lady loves the nuts.


Well-known member
Haha oh my favorite part of Valentine's Day is today... when all the delish chocolate and candy is half off!