Vegetarian Low Carb/Healthy Meals


Well-known member

I'm vegetarian and don't eat seafood. Can anyone recommend me some healthy meals preferably with low carbs?

Thanks! xx


Well-known member
Originally Posted by trendoid
Try whole grains like quinoa!!

Quinoa is heavensent. It's a complete protein in a grain!

I've been vegetarian (not pescatarian) for 2.5 years and I've found that generally sticking to whole grains, fruits, veggies, and lentils makes the healthiest diet. If I have egg products, I try to have mostly or all whites.

I'm not big on "fake meat" products, but I love Morningstar Southwest Bean Burgers. If you need some frozen meals, Amy's makes some great Indian, Tex-Mex, and other cuisine (but you should make sure you watch sodium). As long as you make sure your incomplete proteins are matched up, you should be able to keep a well-balanced, healthy, vegetarian diet. HTH!

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