In all honesty, things seem pretty normal in that exchange.
As others have mentioned, you make it a practice to browse and sample, but not necessarily purchase. You tell the SA that here:
Originally Posted by scorplove
....Me: I work downstairs. I come in here to sample the CD Almond Cookie Spritz, then look around at the colors....
You said that you were carrying a "big black bag". That and browsing without purchasing are indicators. Stop Loss programs teach employees that these are "red flags" for potential theft problems. One of the ways they teach SAs to approach that situation is to make themselves known through offering help, starting a conversation or just staying in the shopper's immediate area. As you said, you do that yourself:
Originally Posted by scorplove
....My new store is smaller and we are NOT to try to stop a thief at all. If a customer tells us they're just looking we leave them alone, but basically hover around to let them know we're nearby...
One of the facts of life is that the way SAs assist you is also one of the same ways they would deter a theft. How do you choose to read the situation? The SA might have been watching you for theft and she might have just have been making conversation. Honestly, if an SA asked me if I were waiting for someone, I don't see what the big deal is? I would answer no and move on.
I was in one of the Sephoras that I visit last week and as I look back, 4 people asked me if I needed assistance throughout the span of my visit. I don't see that as profiling me, I see that as SAs having bad coordination/communication and not paying attention to thier surroundings.
What I mean by that is that it would be nice if they paid attention so I don't get peskered and asked if I need help 1 minute after that last time I was asked. Why? Because I find it a little annoying to be bothered when I am concentrating on my task at hand. However, than being said, should I really be complaining about a store that offers too much help? While at times it is a bit annoying, I can think of much worse problems and I can think of plenty of other stores where I was irritated, because no one was available to help.
Originally Posted by scorplove
They came at me the WRONG way.
I feel very offended by what happened and whether or not race played a part in it doesn't matter.....
Honestly, if it wasn't race, then I really don't see a need to be offended. It was a simple exchange between you and a few of the SAs.
Originally Posted by scorplove
.....Not less than a minute later, they send a black salesgirl over to me with a big smile on her face saying "Hi", like we're friends. I'm literally like WTF is going on here? I've never experienced this before - EVER.
For the record, I'm black and the first two salesgirls were not. The third one was, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm still very pissed at what went down...
Aren't SAs supposed to be friendly and smile? You seem pretty determined to take your whole exchange within the store as offensive.
Originally Posted by scorplove
.....(Duh? And?)(In my mind I'm like Yeah, like EVERYBODY ELSE IN THE STORE, but WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME if I'm waiting for someone?).....
Maybe they did? Do you know who else they talked to and what they said to everyone else in the store? There are so many racks and displays in a Sephora, who knows what else is going on in its entirety?
Originally Posted by scorplove
.....Yeah, and if you know you f'd up, don't go sending the black girl to try to make up for your dumb ass mistake.
That chick ain't my friend and her fake smiling just makes me even madder.
Perhaps there were racial elements to this, but then again, perhaps the AA SA saw the interaction between you and the other SA, sensed your discomfort and took it upon herself to see if you felt more comfortable being helped by someone of the same race.
You seem pretty convinced that you know what the "salesbitch" (as you called her) was doing and unwilling to even entertain that it could be something else. Maybe there were racial elements, but there just isn't enough to go off of.
Again, seems pretty normal to me.