Verizon Chocolate phone? Any one have it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by EmbalmerBabe
I just ordered it yesterday. So we will see how I like it,Verizon lets you exchange it for a different phone within 30 days if you don't like it.
I heard Verizon has the best service. We will see.
It sucks that you have to sign a 2-yr.contract though.

Good luck! Let us know if you like it or not!


Well-known member
Well I got it and it sort of sucks...haha.
I don't like the buttons or the slide out thing.Also its keeps turning itself off,I am probably sending it back. =/


Well-known member
I have the strawberry chocolate (its metallic pink) and I had the white one, before the boyfriend bought me the pink one...

I love it. It's small, but not totally fragile and useless (AKA RAZR) and if you turn the sensitivity down, and the option to lock the buttons as soon as you slide it shut, you shouldnt have a problem.

The camera is awesome.

The inbox for the text messages kinda sux (with the whole 100 thing) but I love the phone.

And if it can live with me (dealing iwth being in my purse, dropped on every surface imaginable..., thrown,...etc) its super fine by me.

I dont use the music feature. Too expensive. It would run down the battery in a second anyway.


Well-known member
Well I got the Strawberry Chocolate and it was not the pink I was expecting, it was more rosey. It would turn itself off periodically even with a full charge.
I took it back today and got the black one which I think looks a lot more sleek and James Bond-ish...haha.
I was at the stupid Verizon Wireless store for 2 1/2 hours, it was the worst customer service EVER.
We had to wait over an hour before we were even taken.
And it was'nt even that busy! WTF?
The thing that sucks about the Chocolate too is that the battery power gets depleted rapidly.
I think I am paying 200.00 + for this phone so if I cannot drop it!!
I only have a 1 yr.contract so I had to pay extra for the phone.