Very frequent yeast infections?


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coconut oil is also a ''natural'' lubricant lol it smells yummy too.


If you have very frequent yeast infections then read up on Candida Albicans. If you are suffering from this then you can most likely combat the issue with dietary changes and exercise. I have just posted on a thread regarding acne treatment and brought up Candida as a possible cause. I have read quite a few articles on this "fungus" which normally stays within our gut..but if it spreads outside of the gut it will attack our vital organs, cause skin issues (acne, ezcema), cause frequent vaginal yeast infections..and can also cause depression.

If this is what you have..I've read that Greek styled yogurt (organic.NO SUGAR or additives) has active enzymes/pro-biotics that our "gut" needs, it fights Candida. I've read that it can be placed in the vagina for a period of time (don't know how long since I've never done it before) and it can help clear up infections.

Please read up on anything I've written if you're interested..since I'm just learning about it myself.


Well-known member
I've had a big issue with yeast infections for about 2 years straight now. It all started up again (I've had issues before in the past also) after I had to go on two rounds of antibiotics for strep throat. Ever since then I've noticed a change in my discharge along with a smell. Whenever I go see a gyna and tell them about this they all tend to think that I do prob have a yeast infection but once they do the tests I usually always come back completely clean. I've been tested for STD's even Trich which they dont standardly test for, all negative.

I've tried the diflucan pills, even had to take like 2 or 3 pills within one week instead of just the 1. Also tried both otc and prescription cream applications. No results still.

One thing you might want to look at and its gross but make sure your wiping from front to back when you do a number 2. As Elle_P has mentioned candida normally grows in the gut but can transfer onto the vaginal area when you wipe improperly. A gyna recommended me do that and to also start using cleansing wipes after going to the bathroom also. I've tried that but haven't had luck but maybe you will. Good luck!


Well-known member
I get yeast infections a lot, though not as bad as before. There is a lot of things that can contribute to them.

First of all, whenever you go on antibiotics you really need a prescription vaginal cream that is a wide spectrum (kills a lot of various infections) and must use it the entire time you are on antibiotics, plus a few days after. Also eat yogurt. The reason is because antibiotics not only kill the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria in your intestines, etc. and your flora is off balance. You need to bring it back.

Unfortunately once you have a yeast infection you seem to become prone to them, so a few rules to follow. Cut back on sugars. Hard, but sugar feeds yeast. Same goes with fruit juices, sodas and anything sugary. Use only cotton underwear and don't use pantishields on a regular basis. If you use them during periods for tampon protection or during treating a yeast infection, change several times a day. It holds in moisture. Shower after you exercise or sweat. Moisture feeds yeast. If you are overweight that will feed the yeast. If you take bubblebaths with any scented product or use scented feminine sprays, or antibacterial or scented soaps down there, that will set off another yeast infection. Just water and basic soap like Basis or Ivory. Dry yourself extremely well. Air yourself out before putting that underwear on. Okay, maybe TMI, but it is true! Put the underwear on last! Always, always wipe from front to back. Microscopic fecal can create another yeast infection, not to mention UTI's which are dangerous when not treated quickly. Don't hang out in a wet bathing suit. Put on dry, fresh undies before going to bed. You may go through more undies, but you will have less infections. Hormonal changes throughout the month also contribute. Pay attention to when you get them and see if they come just before, during or right after your period.

My GYN is right about another thing. These 1 day or 3 day fixes are not enough. They make the symptoms ease up a bit, but before you know it, they are back. They do not do a good job of killing a yeast infection off. You need to go a full 7 days and do not skip a day. I hope this helps someone!


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Frequent yeast infections can also be symptomatic in someone with diabetes, which seems to be on the rise.


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I know this is an older post but have you tried taking any probiotics? Like florejen? One probiotic pill is like eating ten cups of yogurt. Its worked wonders for my friend who had the same issue as you. It clears up Bacterial Vaginosis on Yeast Infections. I usually take one florajen once a month just in case. I have never gotten any YI before but I have had UTI because of my IUD and OMG its horrible. I hope this helps u out.


Well-known member
1) cotton undies only
2) no bubblebaths or products in bathwater
3) any kind of massage oil or stuff on your fingers can cause a yeast infection

if you are really itching and need a quick fix... I personally used diluted vinegar. Swirled a little bit of diluted vinegar (diluted with water) on my finger and applied. It really worked. I also ate probiotic yogurt.

Strong antibiotics cause me to get yeast infections.

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