Video Games/Relationships


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My bf is a gamer as well. I can't understand how guys can play the same damn games over and over again and not get bored. He plays ego-shooter games on xbox live with other people and it's so annoying having to hear him chat with his buddies on the xbox! It's just annoying because while I also spend time doing nerdy stuff (like on the Net) I'm not making any noise besides typing. I hate to hear them talk on their headsets!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
My bf is a gamer as well. I can't understand how guys can play the same damn games over and over again and not get bored. He plays ego-shooter games on xbox live with other people and it's so annoying having to hear him chat with his buddies on the xbox! It's just annoying because while I also spend time doing nerdy stuff (like on the Net) I'm not making any noise besides typing. I hate to hear them talk on their headsets!!

I know exactly what you are talking about!! stupid headsets. it will be silent for a while, then he will burst out in laughter..scare me half to death.


Well-known member
I love videogames! I have been an addict since I was a kid and I can honestly say that I can live without makeup more than my consoles (yes I know it's blasphemy lol!) But seriously? Get into it and play some multiplayer games with your BF...I'm sure both of you will enjoy them

Nintendo Wii is the best for multiplayer fun!!


Well-known member
i feel you...but i would let him know how you feel! i had an ex who loved his video games so much that he would totally neglect was really bad. my brother passed away and a few days later my ex (bf at the time) had to go out of town for work (he was an animator for a game company, go figure) and naturally i was devastated especially since i was all alone at the time too (family was all separated in different parts of the country).

anyhoo i the only way i could get a hold of him was by logging onto Starcraft, messaging him there while he was playing (he wouldn't call me) and he got pissed and blocked my messages.

i don't think anyone could be as heartless as him but anyway i would say something. my husband loved video games and spent a lot of time on the computer, but when i ask him to he'll get off right away and give me the attention i need & deserve!


Well-known member
I'm in this long distance relationship (we go to university in different cities T.T) and every single time I go visit him he can't keep himself away from his Wii or WOW or whatever he feels like playing that day... I mean I get to see him once a month at most, can't he just not play for a single weekend???? Why is that so freakin hard?????? Totally pissed me off. So eventually I talked to him about his neglecting me and now he's playing less when I'm over... but he still plays... while I sit there and watch him play doing nothing. MEN.


Well-known member
my guy likes games and cars too... but its not that bad sometimes.. just since we're long distance and i live in an area where my calls are always dropped i cant always call him so i text and hes like baby, halo. call me. and im like i cant you butthead and you know that!! lol then i just get on and play halo online with him... lol but it still is irritating sometimes. oo or wen we do the webcam thing with like msn hes playing a game online instead of paying attention to me.. then i just flash him and tell him wat he missed then i get undivided attention..


Active member
Boy do I know what that is like!

My boyfriend is a game developer and completely obsessed with video games. I actually just spent my Saturday night this past weekend waiting in a long line of douchebags for Guitar Hero 3 to come out at midnight. Then once we got home, he stayed up until 10am on Sunday playing. He took a 5 hour break to sleep and woke up at 3pm to play some more.

We were supposed to bake halloween cupcakes together and watching horror movies but I ended up baking by myself to the sound of GH3 in the background. Needless to say, I wasn't in the best mood yesterday.

At least he doesn't have his WoW account anymore


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ArelysAdriana
At least he doesn't have his WoW account anymore

Amen to that. I'm fine with all his weird and wonderful game obsessions but WoW I just don't get. Thankfully he's gotten over it and won't be playing it again anytime soon.


Well-known member
My bf swapped my "girlie" (in his words) games ... Mario Kart & The Sims ... without telling me for some stupid NFL games!!!

It kinda pissed me off that I had nothing to play, well except for his Grand Theft Auto, but then I got a drawing tablet so now I don't mind if he's busy playing his games while I'm doing my artsy-fartsy thing on the computer

Actually, I don't really mind games as long as they are ones I can play or are interested in ... I love car racing games or even adventure type ones and I really really miss playing James Bond Golden Eye on N64 (it's at my mum's house ... somewhere
) Plus having a PS2 is really useful when you don't have a DVD player!!

Lol I think my bf's "obsession" with talking to his friends on MSN and fussing over his MySpace (esp since he doesn't know the first thing about writing the code and is constantly bothering me to come over and change the background or the font or add a pic!!
) is much more annoying!!

little teaser

Well-known member
it gets worst when they play online games because theres never a end, they just keep going to diffrent levels, so i get online on the laptop cause he took over the desktop and when hes not playing games its music and the drums..
i use to get really annoyed but not any more, i have my things too and we still find time for each other.


Well-known member
My ex was obsessed with world of warcraft (among other games) and I'm pretty sure it's one of the top 5 reasons why he's my ex. When I was a senior in high school we were obviously not living together and didn't get to see each other very much. One night my parents were out of town and I invited him to stay the night but he said he had a raid or something scheduled with his "team" or whatever! How much more of a LOSER can you be? Turning down potential sex to play a video game!

Anyways, my fiancee plays his Xbox maaaaaaaybe once a week. He plays a little bit more often if I'm working a lot or out with my friends, but he almost never plays when I'm home. He's likes them for fun but only once in a while - he's not obsessed. Though sometimes, we whip out the N64 and have mad super smash brothers battles. ;P


Well-known member
Ehhh... doesn't bother me and we live together. To be honest... I actually like he's so occupied sometimes... because it gives me time to myself to watch my tv shows or clean... play with our cat... and just be by myself... I need that sometimes.


Well-known member
Lately my bf and I have been fighting over turns on the xbox! LOL! We're both addicted to the same game.


Well-known member
My boyfriend and I play video games all the time!!
Splinter Cell, Guitar Hero, Resident Evil: Outbreak, Socom, Katamari Damacy, and especially World of Warcraft.

I have a PS3 and a Wii, he has an XBox 360. So gaming is just something we do together. I can't stand it when I'm over and his friends are also over playing video games and they don't want me to play with them. It's usually stupid Halo (the only game I truly hate), so I go back to WoW then on my laptop :p

(we also play Dungeons&Dragons and World of Darkness real life RPGs with groups every week)


Well-known member
Oh, don't get me wrong, we've got 5 computers, a wii, xbox, 360, 2 ps2s, 2 gamecubes, and miscellaneous gaming systems from years past.

We could play together, but i much prefer to play with each other in real life.


Well-known member
I think if your involved with someone in their 20's or younger, it's hard to find a guy who's not playing video games lol.

sandyyyy <3

Well-known member
Ugh I HATE it when my bf plays video games!
He always play counter strike or kartrider on the computer!! When he's playing he totally ignores me and when I try to ask him something he has this blank stare lol straight at the computer screen. Other than that he doesn't really have that many game systems just a Wii and a PS2.

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