Waiting for Heatherette

Niquas Brain

Active member
Is Naughty Nauticals out in May here? I did have a look at some threads but can get a bit lost with all the replies..

If it is and Heatherette isn't out until the 15th online, I am unsure if I will buy as much as I really like the Nauticals collection, and Heatherette although the colours are great it's the packaging suckering me in alot!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by trollydolly
i could go to selfridges in london next thursday but i dont really want to spend £23 on a train ticket and then go to selfridges which i think is going to be absolutely manic!

Yeah I'm not looking forward to the crowds either! I don't live too far away so at least it's easy and cheap to get there.


Well-known member
i only live 50 mins from london but i really cant be bothered with how busy selfridges is going to be and getting the tube there etc


Well-known member
I just wish there was a Selfridges here


Well-known member
Originally Posted by QueenEmB
I'm going to Amsterdam this weekend so I'm going to look for Heatherette there!

If you can find it! I've been there the last two summers and got really lost both times. All the streets look the same. The De Bijenkorf counter is nice, the MA's are lovely. I never did find the MAC freestanding store though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Luceuk
If you can find it! I've been there the last two summers and got really lost both times. All the streets look the same. The De Bijenkorf counter is nice, the MA's are lovely. I never did find the MAC freestanding store though.

i've printed off directions from google maps but my OH knows Amsterdam really well and we are staying with a friend so *fingers crossed* we can find it ok!

i'm so looking forward to seeing heatherette in the flesh and buying some new palettes!


Well-known member
im still really pissed off lol
i cant beleive this AT ALL
they could at least give us free shipping or a discount code for the LONGGGG wait..
not to mention we already pay alot of money compared to other places such as the US and they get free shipping when they spend over a certain amount and codes!!! what do we get? FUCK ALL, bad customer service, long waiting etc.


Well-known member
I think I'm the only one that relieved that its coming out the 15th :/ I get paid on the 15th (I know, weird time) and I've got about £40 left in my bank account as it is to get me to then! I'd almost given up on Heatherette thinking it'll be LONG gone by the time I get the money to buy it but I'm quite happy now
I might be able to get something after all! Blue mood is gone
Lol although I sympathise with everyone else, the wait is a bit of a joke.


Well-known member
i do understand not everybody has money at the time they usually come out (i wouldnt even have money at all if it wasnt for my bf lol so god knows what i would do)
but this is the first time ive known a mac collection to be this far into the month!!!
i still think we should get a discount code or free shipping (the shipping price is scandalous!!! especially when its standard)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by trollydolly
i could go to selfridges in london next thursday but i dont really want to spend £23 on a train ticket and then go to selfridges which i think is going to be absolutely manic!

I guess I'm a little luckier that Selfridges is 20mins bus ride from my house. The anticipation has gone though, I don't want as much stuff as I wanted before!


Well-known member
It should be out in Austria since Saturday. This is weird - why one week later in Germany? (Nothing against Austria

But hey, one more day is over. Heatherette is coming closer!


Well-known member
I just ordered the Fafi paint pots I wanted just incase they were sold out by the time Heatherette is released. Luckily my mum wanted a foundation so she payed the postage.

I hope it is the 4th!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by trollydolly
i just did a live chat on the US website and was told the 4th april.....

I did a live chat earlier today and was told that it would be launching in april but they didn't have a specific date...this is soo annnoying why can't they just give us a date from the start and stick to it.


Well-known member
oh well im just hopeful its going to come out online at some point before the 15th. i dont understand why they would release it online 5 days after its been released at selfridges. i dont think theyve ever done that before have they? it would make more sense if it was coming online on the 8th and at counters on the 10th.


Well-known member
i hope it comes out the 4th then.. ill probably spend all the money if it came out on the 15th on other things


Well-known member
It's so frustrating that they don't just publicize one date and stick to it. I don't understand their thinking.

I've had a really craptacular day today - my husband has an intermittent heart problem and he woke up at 03:30 this morning feeling unwell. I ended up taking him to hospital during the night but he's back home safe and well now. He's been fine all day, but this evening, I was hoping to find Heatherette online as a nice bit of fun escapism to cheer me up. No such luck.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ritchieramone
It's so frustrating that they don't just publicize one date and stick to it. I don't understand their thinking.

I've had a really craptacular day today - my husband has an intermittent heart problem and he woke up at 03:30 this morning feeling unwell. I ended up taking him to hospital during the night but he's back home safe and well now. He's been fine all day, but this evening, I was hoping to find Heatherette online as a nice bit of fun escapism to cheer me up. No such luck.

Sorry to here
I was out all night and I was hoping to come home and find a nice suprise ! Nope nothing


Well-known member
I think we should check the website on the 8th just to be safe. I would rather wait to get it online on the 15th than go into Selfridges. Seriously, that place is like a zoo at the best of times!

Don't worry ladies - I also think they will have ample stock online. Last year Balloonacy was a selfridges exclusive and was a highly anticipated collection but the online stock lasted for a week.

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