Waiting for Heatherette


Well-known member
god we are all addicts! i just tried to load the page and it was slow so gave up and came on here - back off to mac now to fill my basket xx


Well-known member
I wonder how long I can keep fruitlessly typing 'Alpha' into the search box and still pass it off as work?
I think I need a backup of this ...


Well-known member
Oddly, Pink Pearl was there earlier and I put it in my basket, but it's gone from the pigments page now. It's still in my basket though.

Girl about town

Well-known member
all i need is smooth harmony and im good to go!!!! i have to say mac have caught me in a manic spending mood, just added rollickin, the fafi liner brush thingy, and plushlash gah!!!


Well-known member
On Sunday i went to Selfridges in Birmingham and picked up trio 1 , hollywood nights, sock hop and style minx lipglass. They were out of the other lipsticks and most of glosses. But their drawer was full og the beauty powders. I'm going to order the rest of my stuff when i get home


Well-known member
Ooo I was just quickly looking on USA site and look at Dress Camp
Just updating that site too probabaly.

I don't know JesseVanity; that's what I'm waiting for too


Well-known member
i'm in a mad mood and just adding a few other bits now too! this is dangerous. Quite fun almost chasing the site xx


Well-known member
I keep adding things to my basket as well. I've already received everything from Selfridges that I decided my Heatherette haul would include, so what on earth am I doing?!

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