Waiting for Heatherette


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JesseVanity
Did you get fleshpot to go with it?
I got both and I'm thinking about buying backups because fleshpot and bonus beat together looks so gorgeous.

I was thinking about getting another bonus beat and maybe a fleshpot, but I think I'll wait till I get it just to mke sure I like it. I just hope it's still in stock then. I know you can get fleshpot from the pro line but I want the cute packaging.

Does anyone know of a similar lipgloss to bonus beat? Just incase it sells out and I love it.

Oh and I got the MAC email for Heatherette this afternoon, so I don't think it will be long before things start selling out.

Girl about town

Well-known member
c -thru is similar to bonus beat i think, i got the heatherette email too if we relied on that we would miss out on collections xx


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Luceuk
I was thinking about getting another bonus beat and maybe a fleshpot, but I think I'll wait till I get it just to mke sure I like it. I just hope it's still in stock then. I know you can get fleshpot from the pro line but I want the cute packaging.

Does anyone know of a similar lipgloss to bonus beat? Just incase it sells out and I love it.

Oh and I got the MAC email for Heatherette this afternoon, so I don't think it will be long before things start selling out.

I have a feeling fleshpot and bonus beat wont sell out so fast as the others, just because there not so bright as the other colours. On the US site I think they still have bonus beat avaliable now.


Well-known member
It would've been fab if the Heatherette range had done makeup cases. Pink tackiness haha.

Yes JesseVanity Bonus Beat is the only one left. Maybe that's why I'm a bit unsure of it now, but I shouldn't really 'follow the crowd' I guess lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeupmadb
It would've been fab if the Heatherette range had done makeup cases. Pink tackiness haha.

Yesss, I so would have bought one. IMO the fafi cases were ugly.


Well-known member
I might take some pictures of my MAC collection so far (or perhaps just a haul from the past two weeks where I've just started collecting MAC) once my Heatherette stuff comes..if it ever does. It still says 'In Warehouse'.

Although my 'collection' is teeny-tiny compared to others on here, but I guess I've only been to the MAC store once and ordered online once (for Heatherette).


Well-known member
Yay just checked my account and so has mine, although no email and not able to track order yet. Cannot wait!!


Well-known member
I went back into Birmingham Selfridges today and after much deliberation and also help from one of the MAs (who was wonderfully helpful) I ended up buying Alpha girl! Which I realised did show up on me after all

All their lipsticks had sold out and out of the lipglasses only bonus beat and style minx was left! So I would probably get your backups of your lipsticks/glasses online now If you can before they are sold out too.


Well-known member
I really like Sock Hop with Fleshpot-any lighter lipglasses seem to make it too light for me but this combo really works.

Fleshpot was my only love from this collection so I just ordered a backup of this and sock Hop today (also ordered shale and paradisco e/s)



Well-known member
I just tracked my order and it is showing up as next day delivery even though I didn't pay for it!
It did the last time I ordered something too


Well-known member
It's saying that for me too!
I wonder if ours is in the same van together lol. Mine says it's in Southampton at the moment.


Well-known member
yay mine is dispatched and also in southampton. thinking i should have got style minx but only decided after i'd put my order in! can't face paying even more postage.
At least i'll get my goodies in time for my night out tomorrow


Well-known member
mines next day too
wooo i think they are being nice to us because of the long wait lol.. or they saw us complaining on here!

i was actually abit pissed off that i had to wait til monday.. but hopefully its i get it tomorrow


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
i was actually abit pissed off that i had to wait til monday.. but hopefully its i get it tomorrow

I was too even though I could have payed for next day delivery.

So excited now
I was trying not to get too excited because I was going to have to wait all weekend for it.


Well-known member
Mine still says In Warehouse
... does that mean that I might not get my stuff? I ordered Sugar Trance and it is sold out now. They have already taken the money out of my account though.

Last year, I ordered one of the summer trend bags and when I got my delivery it was missing... and when I called to tell them, it was sold out already. I am so bloody worried they are going to do the same thing to me now. I was hoping to get free next day delivery like everybody else.

I hate Mac online. They f***** SUCK.


Well-known member
Mine also says next day delivery (which I didn't pay for) and it's sitting in Southampton. makeupmadb, you're probably right about all our stuff being in the same van!


Well-known member
I hope you guys get your stuff tomorrow...I can't wait to see your hauls and what you make of them!

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