Wanna See My Wedding Pictures?? Story Included *Very long post & picture heavy*


Well-known member
Congratulations to you both! These pics are so great, it all looks so beautiful.


Well-known member
I love all these pictures...and I love that you both wore dresses!! The picture of the two of you infront of the red tree is *amazing*. Def. one for the wall!!



Well-known member
Gorgeous pictures, gorgeous brides!! I love your dresses, where are they from if you don't mind me asking? I'm getting married in October and I still don't have a dress lol!



Well-known member
All your comments are so awesome! Thank you so much for all the support everyone!! Its so awesome that so many of you are so open minded...

Originally Posted by prinzessin784
Gorgeous pictures, gorgeous brides!! I love your dresses, where are they from if you don't mind me asking? I'm getting married in October and I still don't have a dress lol!


Thanks girl & congrats on your engagment! Dont worry if you dont have your dress yet, lol! We got ours in mid January & the wedding was in April, so we were cutting it close too, lol! To answer your question, we got our dresses at Davids Bridal. Very reasonable in price too. We actually went there during the $99 sale & didnt like anything that was $99 but got $50 off each dress & discounts on our underwear & veil! I actually looked through the website & when i saw my dress on there, i knew it was the only one for me (infact its the only dress i ever tried on) So, check out the website & see if you like what you see! Try to hold out for a sale though... it might be worth your while
Hope that helped & good luck with everything!! ...and dont forget, enjoy your wedding day as much as possible cause it goes faster than you think & before you now it, the days over & its all just memories. I hope your day is just as amazing for you as mine was for me!!!!


Well-known member
Well I came across this post late, doing some wedding makeup searching for a friend, but I wanted to say you (both) look so gorgeous, gorgeous dresses, makeup, hair, the works! Congradulations!