wanna vomit...


Well-known member
I told myself: Don't watch someones who stolen the images and the descriptions from risser.pixnet.net. In order to find more information about counterfeit MAC 4 eyes quads, I felt like vomiting when I unwittingly saw such horrible auction pages of taobao.com . WHAT THE HECK ARE THESE
What should I do, lock up or... :confused:

The thieves always cropped or removed the watermarks
Please give me suggestions.


Well-known member
It must suck that people keep taking your images. You should put a watermark through the whole image and BIG. It takes away from the image but atleast you will be protected.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACreation
Did someone steal your pictures? What exactly happened here?

As thw attachments, some Chinese sellers did...

I tried to inform them this has infringed upon my rights, but it seems useless.

Originally Posted by thelove4tequila
It must suck that people keep taking your images. You should put a watermark through the whole image and BIG. It takes away from the image but atleast you will be protected.

You are right, I should apply a bigger watermark.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by thelove4tequila
It must suck that people keep taking your images. You should put a watermark through the whole image and BIG. It takes away from the image but atleast you will be protected.

This is a good idea..
what losers though..
I get when people take images of the same EXACT item. But when it is a total fake, or something not even CLOSE to the original..

that pisses me off


Well-known member
If you have Photoshop, apply the watermark at various spots throughout the image in a central location, the set the opacity to like 40% or so. That way it's still visible not not as glaring.