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Wannabe Asian Twiggy Tutorial


Well-known member
This is a completely gorgeous look, I have never seen someone put eyelashes on the bottom and have them look natural. The blending is also flawless


Well-known member
Well, as I said in another tut, there are some ppl in a french speaking forum who are making fun of Specktralites. I had to tell :

Transformation... - Page 2

Punaise !!!
C'est de la folie ! Au début t'arrive à dire qu'elle est moche, au final tu te retrouve à dire que c'est une BOMBE !!!
Bluffant, rien à dire...


Wow...you are really beautifull

Thanks for the detailed tutorial. My question is if without finishing the look with the powder your make-up is the same..unfortunately I can't buy that because I don't have Mac in my country and buy my Mac from ebay where is nothing from Pro shops.

Miss Lore

Well-known member
My bottom lashes are pathetic!!! I need to get some falsies for them, Thank you for this informative tutorial!!!