Wanted: MAC Blush (only perm) identical with Blushbaby - but with a slight shimmer


Well-known member
Does anyone have a good rec ? (Blooming and Secret are no more available for me, so please only perm. bluhes)

Thank you so much !!


Well-known member
if u only want a slight shimmer and u like blushbabys shade, get a pretty highlight powder to wear over it lightly for the added shimmer!


Well-known member
I do not have a shimmering highlighter , so I would prefer to buy a MAC blush from the sheer shimmer collection.

Any good recs ?


Well-known member
I would try out dancing light beauty powder, i think they still have it online on the mac website, if not it is a pro color :\ If not maybe a little soft and gentle MSF over it?