We built a house!!...a gingerbread house!


Well-known member
that looks so yummy i wish i had one


Well-known member
It looks great! Did you get it in a kit, or did you cut out the G. bread shapes yourself? I've been wanting to do one for a long time now. Not enough time this year, but next year...Thing is, I don't know if I should buy a kit or not. I'd love to be able to do it (all) myself, but the kits are a LOT easier for someone who's never built one before.

My God..I was watching the annual Gingerbread contest on the FOOD channel the other day...Man; those people build whole damn Gingerbread CITIES!!!! Some of these things are incredibly elaborate. These people are so unbelievably talented, it's amazing. I felt SO bad for one lady though: She made all the parts for her project, and packed them in boxes with styro-foam peanuts for the plane trip, but the landing was really hard, and everything broke. It was heartbreaking...she couldn't compete and had to watch everyone else put their Houses together. I felt so bad for her...all that hard, hard work....Gone. Anyway, it was fun to see the rest of the contestants put their Houses together. People have so much talent. They need talent in art, building things, AND baking. I'd love to do something like that.


Well-known member
Aww poor baker lady!! I hate when on the cake contest shows and the cake falls apart!! Ack!!

I bought a kit from Target...9.99. Definitely worth it!!


Well-known member
I got that exact same kit from walmart....but I have a 20 month old and he kept pushing the house down when I was trying to get the icing stuff to harden up...then my fiance kept eating on the two gingerbread men for the front of the yard lol. Yours turned out very cute


Well-known member
.. How many WW points is that entire house?

God.. Id just eat the entire thing in like a matter of a few days.. lol

" honey, where did the roof portion go?"

"in my belly. thats where"

(its very cute too btw!)


Well-known member
Silly question I know, but do people eat the house after the holidays?

I made some when I was younger but never ate it... was so dusty and... old hahaha

It seems you have a nice home

And the house is really cute


Well-known member
hahaha i wouldn't eat it..but that's because I don't like Gingerbread. I don't think people eat them...tho there is nutritional info that came on the kit. It said 22 servings at 240 cals a pop! Holy cow!


Well-known member
I've always wanted to try to build a gingerbread house, I just don't think that I have the patience! Haha! Great job though


Well-known member
Very cheerful looking gingerbread house!

Beautiful tree & nice man u have =D

I'm in for a christmas mood~