Wealth + Thirst = Stupidity


Well-known member
That's great
Thanks 4 the laugh


Well-known member
I can understand paying two or three dollars more for Fiji or Evian... but fifty?

Are they f**king retarded?!


Well-known member
Worthless people. They should give the $49 extra from buying this water and donate it to something worthy!


Well-known member
Even if I was extremly rich I would never buy that! Thats just stupid to pay that much for water simply because of the bottle it's in.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
Hahaha, I like that they mention water bars?? What?

No kidding! Hey...I have one of those too. It's called my kitchen counter!

Randy Rose

Well-known member
I think it's funny that they mention celebs drinking it at award shows . . . translation: the company gave the award shows tons of free product to stick in goodie bags. Ain't no way this shit will actually sell.


Well-known member
Lol. That has to be one of the dumbest ways to waste money I have ever seen.

Oh geez. And to think people are actually buying this?


Well-known member
the bottle is pretty. that reminds me how tyra banks gave her audiences little jars of vaseline covered in $100 worth of swarovski (sp?) crystals. and jar was way uglier than this bottle. what a waste of money


Well-known member
I can see people buying this, and not even celebrities or affluent people. Alot of wannabes would buy this.

I, personally, think it's not worth buying but people buy things all the time because of packaging or the name attached to the product so this is no different.