Wedding Lips ::: Question


Well-known member I kinda have a dilema...
I am getting married in September (which I know is a while away, but i am excited) and I am doing my own makeup. But I am puzzled as to what lip stuff to use. Because I will be kissing my new Hubby all day long, and want some colour to my lips....but I dont want him to get all sticky from a gloss.
So if you have any ideas for me that would be great.....Im doing gold eyes...if that makes a difference, Thankyou!

And I have one more question.....I am going to be wearing falsies on that day too. Has anyone ever cried, and had their falsies completley come off??
I dont mean balling, but just a few tears?
I am a tad worried about that happening to me.

Okay Thankyou!!


Well-known member
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

It would be helpful if you could post a photo of yourself or at least tell us what you look like (ie. brown eyes, brown hair, etc..).


Well-known member
Maybe a lipstain would do the trick... bourjois has a line of lipstains with 6 diff colors, I think.


Well-known member
or even the new covergirl ones? that look like markers? lol I was going to suggest pro long wear l/s by MAC..or the Boots version which is just amazing if not better!
I cried in falsies I think twice....the first time the edges started to life because the tears were dissolving teh glue not to mention my assault with the tissue :d second time I was smarter, I kept telling myself..lashes will be flapping STOP crying...and lightly dabbed my inner corners while looking up..and lashes stayed on!! hth haha and congrats, I bet your super excited!


Well-known member
Using Pencil lip liners are lipsticks are great. they last waaaayyyy longer then any lipstick i know. Plus why not trying the pro longwear from MAC. I believe the color part of it is great but not the gloss part. either way I'd try getting a MAC lip pencil, maybe like dervish?? or soar.


Well-known member
Firstly congrats on your wedding!

Now on to the task at hand!

Personally I'd skip the gloss because they can get really messy if you plan on kissing, drinking, eating etc. Or if you must wear l/g, keep it at a minimum. As suggested lips stain is an alternative. Also, you may want to consider prolong wear l/s. I have a old formulation from mac and it had a tendency to dry up and ball up on me throughout the day but I've heard the new formulation has improved. Just remember to test it out before the big day. If you can get it to work for you this product is a dream!

Or you can just layer to establish a good color base. Start by lining your entire lip with a pencil, then apply your l/s, blot, then lightly powder your lips, then apply l/s again, blot and touch up if necessary. I find that will give you a pretty good base and it should not come off easily.

I've also heard that Benefit has a product called She Laq which supposedly seals makeup although I have not tried it personally. HTH!


Well-known member
im not sure if that picture is too big or not.

But thankyou everyone....i am so sxcited!!
I was thinking of a lip stain .....this may be a silly quiestion but do they come in neutral colours? do you have any suggestions of good lip stains.
3773519- I looked at dervish and i really like that one, its really pretty.
Nadeshda- i will for sure check those ones out!

Okay thankyou again for everyones input, i am sure this will help me tremendously on my big day!


Well-known member
Benefit's Benetint is a cherry lip stain, but they have Posietint now which is a pink stain.

others to look at:

Stila has lip stains in cherry and pomegranate shades. Lorac has a lip and cheek stain product they call Sheer Wash and there's a travel size - in raspberry, rose and bronze. Laura Mercier lip stain is $20 at Sephora and comes in 6 colours including peach and neutral pink. The Balm Stainiac comes in 3 shades ($15), two of them pale and natural.

Vincent Longo isn't sold at Sephora any more, but that line has great lip/cheek stains and there's about 10 colours, some of them pale and shimmery.

hope this helps!