Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor
I want to join... I have been trying to lose weight for so long but i am really crap at it. I eat so much junk food because I go out so much. I tend to do really good for a few days and bring my lunch to work but after a couple of days... i forget my lunch and then i do so bad. Eat lots of crap for breakfast and lunch and just continue that cycle for a few days.

I did somebody to kick my ass... LOL>

Well, I don't know how to kick an ass, but I can help motivate you!! You can do this! I'm a junk food-a-holic and if I can change, anybody can!!! Even if you go to a fast food place you can make a better decision, like a salad or grilled chicken sandwich or chili (Wendy's). You can do it!

Originally Posted by Lizzie
rbella, I'm going to the GYM! hahaha.
We'll see how long that lasts...

You ladies are inspiring

I'm so proud of you! Let me know how it goes. I'm still unsure about the gym, but we'll see....

Originally Posted by glam8babe
well today i've had some cereal, a salad and now im snacking on strawberries

i better keep this up!

You're doing great and you look fantastic in your FOTD!!


Well-known member
Sorry fogot to post my stats...

200lbs +

I have lost about 50lbs altogether over the last couple years or so. I am hoping this time... i won't get lazy and quit.

Today, I didn't do so well... i had a bacon roll for brekkie and a went out with some friends for lunch. I did alright for dinner.

Tomorrow... i am hoping to do alot better and stay within a reasonable diet. I have been following Weight Watchers for the last few weeks and have lost 5lbs so far.


Well-known member
doing okay eating wise I still need to grab some after dinner excercise, i did good, i 'binged' on brown rice and veggies for super rather than the potato chips chocolate and alcohol that I originally wanted... may still cave on the alcohol issue depending on if I can get ahold of people...

Yeah for all of you who are avoiding your kryptonites!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
well today i've had some cereal, a salad and now im snacking on strawberries

i better keep this up!

Make sure you are getting ENOUGH calories. You can't just be eating minimal amounts like that AND super healthy stuff to make you lose weight.

Well, for once, almost all cereals are evil. Carbs, and sugar... which are more carbs.

Not eating enough will slow your metabolism, so when you start eating like you SHOULD be, it'll make you gain a lot more.

Rbella, you can DOOO it. *pelvic thrust* lol. It's great to have short-term goals like that! My short-term goal is to lose another 5 to 7 healthy, noticeable lbs by Sept. 5th... that'd make for a total of 7+7=14. Quite a difference I'd imagine!

The more you guys get used to saying "No" automatically and not thinking about it afterwards, the easier it WILL get. I hate hearing people blame their work for their weight. My new job could probably feed Tahiti! LOL kidding, but there is almost never a day where someone doesn't bring in cake, we have a themed party w/food as the center attraction, etc. Just this week alone... Monday was baby shower/wedding shower, lotssss of good - sheet cake, etc, and then this Friday was a pool party at one of the lawyer's house and catered food... I've not once in the 3+ months I've worked there ever said yes to ANY of the sweets and yes, I occasionally get teased about it, but they're learning to just not ask me. Even when I tell them I'm on Atkins, they say "Oh come on, one piece won't hurt," and I say -- but it will. The good thing about me is I'm strong willed... and I think that's a huge quality you need for permanent weight loss.


Well-known member
Erm, yeah...today is out - which is fine for me, since I planned on starting on Sunday anyway (I prefer starting things on Sunday since it's the beginning of the week, at least that's they way it is in my silly head).

I still plan on going to the gym tomorrow, though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
Erm, yeah...today is out - which is fine for me, since I planned on starting on Sunday anyway (I prefer starting things on Sunday since it's the beginning of the week, at least that's they way it is in my silly head).

I still plan on going to the gym tomorrow, though.

this is one of my old downfalls .... its really just a procrastination method for me ..... at least b/c then I don't get to on sunday and I have to wait a whole another week.... and it turns into 2 weeks and then 3 and then 4 months .... blah blah blah lol .... So i'm really trying to get myself out of that start on X day and just doing a little bit EVERY day =) ..... Thats just me though ! I'm gonna keep on you about TOMORROW


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brittni
Rbella, you can DOOO it. *pelvic thrust* lol. It's great to have short-term goals like that! My short-term goal is to lose another 5 to 7 healthy, noticeable lbs by Sept. 5th... that'd make for a total of 7+7=14. Quite a difference I'd imagine!

I got a pelvic thrust!! Woo Hoo!!! I bet you'll make your goal. I'm so excited for you!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by SkylarV217
this is one of my old downfalls .... its really just a procrastination method for me ..... at least b/c then I don't get to on sunday and I have to wait a whole another week.... and it turns into 2 weeks and then 3 and then 4 months .... blah blah blah lol .... So i'm really trying to get myself out of that start on X day and just doing a little bit EVERY day =) ..... Thats just me though ! I'm gonna keep on you about TOMORROW

This is so my problem. Except, I don't even try and say Sunday. It's always tomorrow, then I binge and say I'll start tomorrow. It is truly a vicious cycle with me.


Well-known member
This is so my problem. Except, I don't even try and say Sunday. It's always tomorrow, then I binge and say I'll start tomorrow. It is truly a vicious cycle with me.[/quote]

Cycles can be broken. Even the ones we have been in for years.

Keep on believing. OK, how cheesy is that, but I really mean it.



Well-known member
I just played 45 minutes of wii sports not all that exercisish except for the boxing, some reason I really get into that and am jumping around, I broke a sweat and my arms are achy hehe... good start anyhow. I did indulge and have a light hot cocoa, with some fake coconut flavor added... not too bad, must play again tomorrow, more of the boxing though. I must have secret agression to release that I'm unaware of :-D


Well-known member
I'm having a really tough time right now because it is getting late and I want to eat!!!!!

Also, I was emptying Mr. Rbella's cooler that he takes to work and inside of it was a can of Dr. Pepper. Full. Just sitting there. Staring at me. It was ice cold with a bit of sweat running down the side. I thought "Oh My God! That would be so good right now." The feel of the cold carbonation burning my throat, the sweet elixir running through me.....Ahhhhhh!! Pure Heaven.

But, alas, instead of drinking it, I stood there frozen in time staring at it for about 5 minutes before my husband came in and said. "Oh no! Oh no! You weren't supposed to see that. I meant to throw it away!!" I said "You need not worry, my dear." Then, I opened it and dumped it down the sink. Not even one single sip!

Yay for me!! Now I'm sad and I miss it so....

For some reason my body is aching all over. I know it isn't from my 10 minute excursion, b/c it wasn't all that hard. I really feel like I am going through withdrawal....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella

For some reason my body is aching all over. I know it isn't from my 10 minute excursion, b/c it wasn't all that hard. I really feel like I am going through withdrawal....

You are .... your body is addicted to caffein, and you are detoxing from it. Whatever you do... don't take excedrin lol its 25% caffein... DH was sitting here eating his bag of Dr. Pepper Jelly Bellys that I gifted him with and i thought about you =). It will get better ! If you must eat something tonight, pop some popcorn


Well-known member
OK ladies: The Challenge for the week Is to spend 10 mins a day getting some exercise and pick one vice to give up ..... I'm gonna try for Cola's .... ALL WEEK gals =)


Well-known member
The exercise shouldn't be much of a problem for me. I'll give up take-out this week, for the sake of my waistline and pocketbook.


Well-known member
rbella withdrawls suck, whenever I'm sick enough to stay home from work I notice I feel WORSE in the afternoons b/c if I'm sick enough to stay home from work I'm too sick to make coffee. Withdrawls suck, but if you make it through the first few days you're good to go.

Skylar: I have to think on this, my worst vice probably I should say potato chips. all kinds, including nachos, the sald and yummy fatty carbs just suck me in . No chips for a week! one week at a time! Roar.

We can do it we can do it we can do it! (junk food withdrawls make me wacky!!)


Well-known member
I think you guys are right. I mean I really feel horrible. My head is killing me, my joints hurt and I feel achy all over. It sucks ass. But I keep telling myself that if I've made it 2 days, there is no damn way I'm gonna turn back and have to go through this again....

10 minutes a day, no problemo. Already giving up biggest vice-DP.

Don't forget the check-ins tomorrow. Skylar, are you keeping a list or anything of everyone who has replied so we can do a quick check in? That might be a good idea?

Thanks for all the help and motivation ladies. It really means a lot to me to have you guys helping and going through this with me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
I'm having a really tough time right now because it is getting late and I want to eat!!!!!

Also, I was emptying Mr. Rbella's cooler that he takes to work and inside of it was a can of Dr. Pepper. Full. Just sitting there. Staring at me. It was ice cold with a bit of sweat running down the side. I thought "Oh My God! That would be so good right now." The feel of the cold carbonation burning my throat, the sweet elixir running through me.....Ahhhhhh!! Pure Heaven.

But, alas, instead of drinking it, I stood there frozen in time staring at it for about 5 minutes before my husband came in and said. "Oh no! Oh no! You weren't supposed to see that. I meant to throw it away!!" I said "You need not worry, my dear." Then, I opened it and dumped it down the sink. Not even one single sip!

Yay for me!! Now I'm sad and I miss it so....

For some reason my body is aching all over. I know it isn't from my 10 minute excursion, b/c it wasn't all that hard. I really feel like I am going through withdrawal....

Stay strong, rbella.. you're doing extremely well! I believe you are having caffeine withdrawals.
These are the symptoms, which this article (link below) says can appear within 12 hours of stopping your intake:

Withdrawal Symptoms
Caffeine withdrawal symptoms can begin as soon 12 hours after stopping your intake. They are at their worst after 24-48 hours, and can last for up to a week.
  • Irritable
  • Restless
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Headaches, moderate to severe
  • Chills and/or hot spells

and also.. I don't know how many you were actually drinking in a day, but this is what can be caused by...


Excess Caffeine

  • Jitteriness
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Flushed face
  • Nausea
  • Accelerated heartbeat

Caffeine Symptoms

But maybe you shouldn't just go cold turkey, and at least have one a day or something until you can eventually let it go? I don't know, I'm not trying to tell you what to do because only you know what you can handle of course, but it is definitely easier on your body to transition with baby steps

I used to be a major diet coke drinker until I realized just what it was doing to my insides.
and it's not only diet drinks that are horrible for you, all of them are. Ugh, why do they have to taste so good?!
But when I actually started researching the ill effects it has, the taste didn't really appeal to me so much anymore.

"Soft drinks have long been suspected of leading to lower calcium levels and higher phosphate levels in the blood. When phosphate levels are high and calcium levels are low, calcium is pulled out of the bones."

and to add to that lovely tidbit..

"High in phosphorous and phosphoric acid, [soft drinks] infiltrate bodily fluids and corrode stomach linings, upset the alkaline-acid balance of the kidneys, and eat away at your liver," said Barnet Meltzer, M.D., author of "Food Swings."

^ UMMMMM... 'nuff said.

I mean I can't say I NEVER drink them, because I will have the occasional sprite or diet coke, but it's probably about once or twice a week for me now, if that. The rest of the time I'm mostly drinking either water or iced/green tea, so that's cool with me.

Ok enough rambling for the evening.. everyone keep up the good work!
I hope some of this info will at least help someone think twice about that next soda they drink. I know it made it easier for me to resist, that's for sho'.

*the rest of the article on bad sodas: Soft Drinks Reportedly Linked to Health Problems


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
OK ladies: The Challenge for the week Is to spend 10 mins a day getting some exercise and pick one vice to give up ..... I'm gonna try for Cola's .... ALL WEEK gals =)

I really suck at doing exercise. I always find an excuse... so a real challenge for but I am going to do it.

My vice to give up is... Diet Pepsi. I am like everybody on here... addicted to caffeine. I have been trying to give it up for a few weeks now and doing alright but then there are days that I will drink a few cans. I don't know why I do it because it makes me feel so ill and bloated but I love the taste.

Originally Posted by purrtykitty
Erm, yeah...today is out - which is fine for me, since I planned on starting on Sunday anyway (I prefer starting things on Sunday since it's the beginning of the week, at least that's they way it is in my silly head).

I am so like this... i always procrastinate and then never end up starting for a few mos later. Good Luck!!!

Originally Posted by rbella
For some reason my body is aching all over. I know it isn't from my 10 minute excursion, b/c it wasn't all that hard. I really feel like I am going through withdrawal....

It sucks doesn't it... you are addicted to the caffeine. If it gets really bad, then have a quarter or half of a can. I don't know if cold turkey is the best. I have been trying to give up and it is hard to get off of caffeine when you have been drinking it for along time. I used to drink about 4-6 cans of diet pepsi a day. I don't drink coffee and that was always my excuse whey i drank so much. I see people at working drinking like 10 cups of coffee throughout the day.

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