Originally Posted by SolarWhite
How much does it cost to join weight watchers? Is it where you buy their food?
I think I need to join. I just started running 3x a week around a high school track. But I need to get my eating better.
Like, right now.. I am cooking biscuits & gravy!!!!! UGH!!!! But, to my defense.. I purposely bought them because they keep me full all day until dinner
I like this thread!
Here in Canada it is $17 a week, not sure how much it is elsewhere. You don't have to buy their food. The very simplified version is that you are allowed a certain amount of points per day. Every food has a point value. So you just count your points. However, I have 18 points, doesn't mean I can go and eat an 18 point meal at McDonalds and not eat anything else for the day... because there are certain other guidelines, such as you need to have 5 servings of fruits and veggies, 2 servings of milk.. etc. As long as you have those things fulfilled, and stay within your points, you can eat whatever you want.
Also, that running you are doing it great. It can work two ways. With working out, you can eat the points you earn from running, or you can *not* eat them and lose weight faster.
It really is a wonderful program and I recommend it to anyone. The biggest reason I am such a huge advocate is because it's NOT a diet. It just changes the way you eat. Which means that once you have lost all the weight, you don't go back to a totally different way of eating and gain it all back, which is what happens with diets.
Ohay, I am done rambling. Hubby told me the other day that I should work for WW.. I love talking about it