Weight Watchers


Well-known member
Congrats girls!!!!!!! Katie- you are my 50lb motivation. FO SHO!!!!

I lost .8 this week. I am ok with that because anytime it's not a gain or a 0, I am happy as a pig in .....


Well-known member
I was wanting to see if any of you have ever tried a Zumba class? I noticed one in my area this Wednesday and I really want to try it but I want to hear what people think of it first. TIA!

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
^I'm not in weight watchers or anything but I go to zumba class sometimes and it's a fun workout, good for beginners. Anyone used to working out really intensely will probably not be too winded but it's fun and good for a light workout. It's not high impact and you don't have to be really coordinated to do well.


Well-known member
Glad to see you all doing so well! My weight loss is soooo slow. But I'm exited because I've lost 97 lbs now so it's only 3 away from 100lbs!

How other people are reacting to your weight loss? I just saw few of my ex-classmates and they didn't recognize me anymore!
But then again there are people that act they don't notice anything. Sometimes when I feel nothing has changed I look at my old pictures and see the huge difference. Now there is some inspiration to continue!


Well-known member
Hey WW lovas- here is a recipe for a delish smoothie for 3 points. This sucker is HUGE.

1 cup of Almond Milk (1 pt)
1 cup of strawberries (1 pt)
1 container of WW berries yogurt (1 pt).

You get 2 milk products and a fruit serving. Win win!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PinkBasset
How other people are reacting to your weight loss? I just saw few of my ex-classmates and they didn't recognize me anymore!
But then again there are people that act they don't notice anything. Sometimes when I feel nothing has changed I look at my old pictures and see the huge difference. Now there is some inspiration to continue!

That is how I am, I've lost 95 lbs. and I *know* there is a big difference but when I see myself I still feel like I look the same. If I go and compare pics from before and now then I can see it.

One day my mind will catch up with my body


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PinkBasset
Glad to see you all doing so well! My weight loss is soooo slow. But I'm exited because I've lost 97 lbs now so it's only 3 away from 100lbs!

How other people are reacting to your weight loss? I just saw few of my ex-classmates and they didn't recognize me anymore!
But then again there are people that act they don't notice anything. Sometimes when I feel nothing has changed I look at my old pictures and see the huge difference. Now there is some inspiration to continue!

I have had a lot of people comment on the 50 lbs I have lost and frankly I don't really see what they do. I mean I know what the scale says and that I have gone down in sizes but I still feel that I look the same as I did 50 lbs ago. It makes me sad because I hope that when I lose the next 50 lbs that I don't still feel this way.

Originally Posted by Hilly
Hey WW lovas- here is a recipe for a delish smoothie for 3 points. This sucker is HUGE.

1 cup of Almond Milk (1 pt)
1 cup of strawberries (1 pt)
1 container of WW berries yogurt (1 pt).

You get 2 milk products and a fruit serving. Win win!

Yummy! That sounds great! I have really been loving the WW berries & cream yogurt so I am sure I will love this!

Originally Posted by SuSana
That is how I am, I've lost 95 lbs. and I *know* there is a big difference but when I see myself I still feel like I look the same. If I go and compare pics from before and now then I can see it.

One day my mind will catch up with my body

I hope that this happens for me too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
Hey everyone,

So I just started WW. It is amazing how distorted my portions were!! One bowl of cereal to me was actually like 2 and a half. Yipes!

Has anyone done WW on here?
Any stories? Successess?


lots and lots of water


Well-known member
How is everyone doing this week?

I weighed in today and lost 2 lbs!
I am pretty excited to have two big losses in a row.

Can't wait to hear how everyone else did!


Well-known member
Had my weighin on Friday and am down 0.4 pounds. But, a loss is a loss, no matter how small. I'm gonna keep on pluggin'
This week marks 4 weeks on the program, 8 pounds lost, and 1 pants size.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Had my weighin on Friday and am down 0.4 pounds. But, a loss is a loss, no matter how small. I'm gonna keep on pluggin'
This week marks 4 weeks on the program, 8 pounds lost, and 1 pants size.

Awesome Audrey!


Well-known member
I weighed in today and lost another 2 pounds this week. I made my 5% goal, and have lost 10 pounds so far. I am fitting into clothes that I haven't fit into for years, and I am SO SO excited. My new ipod came in the mail today, and I can't wait to start using that.

I am so dumb, and couldn't figure out how to change my weight loss goal on e-tools, and I accidently deleted my weight loss history in the tracker
It said that I could reenter the weights, but I can't figure out how... it won't let me go back on the calender to enter them. I am so bummed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I weighed in today and lost another 2 pounds this week. I made my 5% goal, and have lost 10 pounds so far. I am fitting into clothes that I haven't fit into for years, and I am SO SO excited. My new ipod came in the mail today, and I can't wait to start using that.

I am so dumb, and couldn't figure out how to change my weight loss goal on e-tools, and I accidently deleted my weight loss history in the tracker
It said that I could reenter the weights, but I can't figure out how... it won't let me go back on the calender to enter them. I am so bummed.

Congrats Audrey!!!

I wonder if WW customer service could reset your weight loss history? What kind of Ipod did you get?

I weighed in today and lost 1.8 lbs. I am pretty excited!!


Well-known member
ahh i've been doing weight watchers since 7th grade (gained all my weight back junior year and some!)..i'm now out of highschool and only about 5 pounds more than my lowest weight in 7th grade when i started weight watchers! it's been a lonnggg, tough weight loss of ups and downs, but it's so worth it in the end. i only lost .2 this week, but to ANYONE who gets discouraged..never give up. <3 good luck to everyone!


Well-known member
How are all of my fellow WW-ers doing?

I am still doing well and keeping my weight loss consistant. I am down 59.4 now. I am so close to 60 lbs and hopefully I will be there this next weigh-in.


Well-known member
You guys are so motivating & inspiring!! I won't be joining WW since it's pricey for a poor student who is also a MACaholic! hehes. but i have a gym membership which i should totally utilize more! thanks you everyone! & all the best!!


Well-known member
I am embarassed to say that I have hit a snag. Now, I have not gained anything, and have probably lost a few pounds since my last weigh in, but have't been to a meeting or weighin for 3 weeks. My boys were off school for spring break and then we went away last weekend, so I didn't make it. The scale isn't moving much, but it isn't going UP so that's a good thing. I am feeling kind of discouraged, but don't want to give up. Hoping for some motivation on Friday at my meeting!


Well-known member
As of last night I'm down 100.6!

I'm happy because I've had a really rough & stressful month.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by SuSana
As of last night I'm down 100.6!

I'm happy because I've had a really rough & stressful month.


That is SO SO awesome! Congratulations!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
I have had a lot of people comment on the 50 lbs I have lost and frankly I don't really see what they do. I mean I know what the scale says and that I have gone down in sizes but I still feel that I look the same as I did 50 lbs ago. It makes me sad because I hope that when I lose the next 50 lbs that I don't still feel this way.

I'm not on WW, but I just wanted to comment on this. Full figure photos (Body for Life-style) are the antidote to that feeling. Once a week or month or whenever you feel like it. I know it's not fun to take the first picture when you don't look like you want to, but comparing it to the next one will be fun.

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