Welcome to...Grover!!!


Well-known member
Ok...Grover is a girl but has a boy name. Sorry for the genderbender my dear kitty!

She is 3 and is da bomb really.

It was really hard going into the animal shelter. My friend and I were crying our eyes out. So many great kitties. Why can people be so irresponsible??? It just breaks my heart to see these innocent pets just living in cages.

But Yes here is my new baby! I love her to pieces already. She assimilated very quickly. She walks around as if she owns the joint



With Paul (who I think loves her even tho he isn't a "cat person"


Not the most flattering one of me, but it's ok. It's about my silly lil goose!


Caught in the act of being a sneaker!!! (Don't look at the messy bathroom!)



Well-known member
Awww. I'm sure she'll be a lot of fun. Kitties tend to be pretty resiliant when it comes to new homes.

And re: cross gender thing... we named our dog Riley, as in "Life of Riley" as we had to carry him up and down the stairs the first few weeks we had him (he just couldn't quite do it!). Of course everyone thinks he's a girl with how popular "Riley" has been as a girl's name in recent years. He's more of an "it" since last spring anyway...

Last picture needs to have the title "I can has MAC stash?"


Well-known member
I love the colouring of your cat! Awesome!

I cannot imagine, I do want to go to the humane society when I want to get another animal but I know it'd be heartbreaking to walk out with only one. Hmph. But at least you were able to save Grover's life! And btw I absolutely LOVE the name! Grover is workable and very cute! (not as bad of a name choice of my friend who named her cats Olive and Elizabeth (Lizzie) and both turned out to be boys--they were saved at such an early age it was apparently hard to tell--and they've kept the very girl-sounding names--I find it hilarious!)

Have fun!


Well-known member
I love that kind of cats!
The color is superbe

I hope she doesnt play too much with your makeup


Well-known member
Aww she's lovely and good on you for choosing a rescue cat. We went to the rescue centre and there were cats that had been there for EIGHT years!


Well-known member
Yay! I've been waiting for these pics. You just couldn't resist Grover huh? LoL its an adorable name though.

She's so cute. I love cats. She looks happy. Good for you giving a great home to a needy cat.


Well-known member
Yayyyyyy Kittttayyy!!!
You are such a sweetie for giving a good home to a kitty. I hope you bring each other lots of happiness <3