Welcome to my world ... VERY pic heavy!


Well-known member
That is the most insanely amazing thing I have ever seen haha! I envy you bad!

Someone asked earlier on but it was never answered, is all your stuff insured? That lot has got to be worth an absolute fortune.


Well-known member
Thanks for all the compliments ... I just added pics of the new storage area in my bedroom. I love it!

Yes ... it is insured ... not sure that they would cover the whole thing but we have a huge rider on our ins policy for personal property.


Well-known member
My dear God, that's enough make-up for 12 peoples' lifetimes. O_O

I love the way you have things organized! When I finally settle down, I'd like to steal that idea from you and organize my small collection that way.
Originally Posted by banjobama
All I can say is HOLY SHIT! I want to come hang out at YOUR house. lol.

She said it all! Lol!

Great set up!

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