Don't be afraid to introduce yourself! We appreciate you joining our community.
New here? Welcome To Specktra.Net!
This tutorial page should be a help to you along your journey. Take your time and read instructions carefully along the way, our
FAQ is a great place to start. We want you to make the most of your time at Specktra.Net so we've put this page of helpful tips and information together for you. The site can be overwhelming at first.

We've tried to make sure that each area of the site is as friendly as possible to navigate. It may look overwhelming but you can manage it easily, one step at a time.
You are Invited: Please Join Us!
Yes, you can lurk and read but you are the one missing out! As a registered member you will have access to additional content and areas of the website that guests don't have. Join to participate to post your questions and participate in discussions on our message boards. Use your correct email address or this process won't work. Check you spam filter if you don't receive an activation message within a few minutes. Once you've registered and your account has been activated, log into the message boards!
Website Guidelines
Rules aren't fun but they are necessary. Please read the
entire set of Specktra Guidelines so that you will be able to enjoy your membership knowing what is allowed and what isn't.
A few reminders from the guidelines:
- Select your username CAREFULLY, you will not have an opportunity to change it unless you have extenuating circumstances. We suggest NOT using your real name!
- You must meet our guidelines to gain access to the Clearance Bin forums. The Clearance Bin is where all of our buy/sell/swap/CP transactions take place. Mention of transactions is not allowed outside of these forums. Use our Feedback system to leave tokens for your transactions.
- We ask that you not register to solely to promote your website, songs or albums, contests you would like for us to vote for you in, items for sale, etc we're glad you have something you'd like to share with us but we insist you join us for the community we offer. Feel free to add a link to your personal site in your signature.
- We will edit or remove posts that do not follow site guidelines.
- We will move posts to an appropriate forum when they are posted in the wrong one. This is a service our staff performs with only your best interests in our hearts. This is to make sure you get the best replies based on our experience.
Categorize Your Interest
Look over our topics and categorize your interest: The message boards are organized by topics: Welcome to Specktra.Net!, MAC Chat, Cosmetic Topics, Sharing your obsession, Cosmetic Tutorials, Reviews, etc. Click into the Forum of your topic category.
To post a new message (thread), after clicking into a forum category of your choice (ie. MAC Chat) and click on Start A New Thread. Follow the simple instructions to post your questions or comments. Or if you would like to reply to a thread after reading it, click on Post A Reply.
Look for these buttons:
To start a new thread in your selected forum:
View attachment 54797
When viewing a thread to reply to a post or start a new thread on another topic in the same forum these buttons will show on the bottom left of the thread view:
View attachment 54798
As the guidelines state, we will move, remove, edit posts to make sure they are in the correct category and appropriate for Thank you for your cooperation!
Your Profile
Your "
UserCP" gives you the opportunity to edit, alter, and configure your membership at Specktra.Net. It's the place to send and receive private messages, locate your posts, add/remove buddies, change your email options and more. You can also update your update your bio, etc! Check it out.
The Face of the Day forum at Specktra.Net
If you are lurking, this is one of the things you won't have access to view. The
Face of the Day forum will assist you along your cosmetic journey with inspiration and a supportive atmosphere to learn your own makeup application techniques. There is great info and wonderful ladies AND gents about in this section. Don't miss out!
Search the Website
Search through the discussions by clicking on the Search link found on the top of every page of our website.
1. Locate the search bar at the top of the page. If you would like to perform an advanced search you will need to click on the "Advanced Search" text located under the search bar.
2. Enter a few terms specific to what you're looking for.
3. Press the "Search" button and wait for the results to appear.
4. Finally, click on the title of the thread you want to read.
5. To return to the list of search results, use your browser's Back button.
Help to Navigate the Site
Need more information? We try to provide you with helpful info and answers to most of your questions in easy to follow directions.
1.You will find the link to the
FAQ on the bottom of every page of the website under "Terms of Service"
2. And we've provided the Specktra "
Contact Us" at the bottom of every website page, in the right hand corner. Use this form when you need additional help that is not answered in the FAQ.
You can also visit this wonderful article
Specktra for Beginners: What It Is, and How It Can Help You Be Beautiful: Makeup and Beauty Blog by Beauty Blogger Karen @ wrote for those who are new to Specktra. Check it out to get tips from Karen and myself on how to navigate and immerse yourself into the Specktra community!
Please check the FAQ before you contact us.
Your Internet Safety
Remember when the adults said: "Don't run with scissors." There are safety concerns on the internet too.
Be safe! Its important to make sure you are choose safe internet practices, even at Specktra.Net. Your email address is hidden from view, even from other members. We do not suggest giving out your phone number or address in Private Messages nor email unless you are arranging a transaction with that member. Although we like to think that everyone on the internet is safe, you should err on the side of caution.
Legal Implications
Specktra.Net is an online website with a privacy policy.
Most importantly, I'm glad you've found us and I look forward to meeting you on the message boards! On behalf of everyone at Specktra.Net, Welcome!