Went into Mac today for Blitz and glitz (again) >>

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by tuuli
In my city are 2 mac counter.
I wanted to ask for Barbie Loves MAC LE, esp. Beauty Powder. She never heard about this product. She showed me Mineralize Skinfinish Powder.
It's so annoying, MAC-Employees should know better their collection than customers.
It's their job.

Maybe she hadn't been to update yet, maybe she was freelance, maybe she missed the last counter meeting because she was absent, maybe she was only new... Just because you're knowledgable about something doesn't mean that everyone else is.

Seriously people, you should listen to some of the things that come out of your mouths sometimes*. If you're that upset than an SA didn't have a product/doesn't know XYZ Product from Random Collection/etc is that you feel the need to call them stupid, lazy, miserable cunts, whatever... then you seriously need to reconsider your attitude towards people, and possibly go live in a cave for a while. SAs aren't PK robots, no matter how much you'd like them to be.

* Be it this thread, the boards in general, the livejournal communities, etc etc etc. No single group of people is singled out by being more of an asshat than anyone else.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
I never said the MA in question didn't like her job, for one. The statement I made was for the "fanatics" who live and breathe MAC and get the job. I just think, having worked in the service industry all my life, that if you don't know.....find out. If you're not sure, find someone who is. How hard is that? It's customer service. The way you guys are talking, it seems the customer/product is not that important. I agree to disagree on this subject.

you're telling me you've never made a mistake in your service industry jobs? sometimes you might positively think something is true and so you DONT ask because why ask if you are positive you're right? for instance if for some reason i always thought angel lipstick was a lipglass. and when someone asked for angel i went to look in the lipglasses and saw we dont have it. i wouldnt ask someone what angel is because i already think its a lipglass. come to find out, its a lipstick! sucks for the customer because i already made a mistake, but c'mon its an honest mistakes we ARENT robots.

besides that new hires sometimes dont go to basic training for months.


Well-known member
Honestly, I've never made that kind of "mistake". Maybe I've had it too good in my lines of work. When I didn't know the anwser, there was always someone an arm's length or intercom away who could help me. And, I could've told the customer, "No....don't have it....don't know where it is", but I why should I look like an ass when I could find out in less than a minute?
this is crazy. I can't believe that she wouldn't know what Blitz & Glitz is, even if she is new, she should at least ask. I know sometimes MA's don't know about specktra so they may not know about future launches, but they should at least be familiar with permanent products. Next time, maybe just make sure and talk to a different artist.


Well-known member
gah you are totally missing my point. WHAT IF SHE THOUGHT BLITZ N GLITZ WAS AN EYESHADOW?????? why would she ask someone if all along she thinks its an eyeshadow? you totally overlooked or didnt get my analogy i posted lol

also why is was so hard to tell the artist "no not an eyeshadow its a fluidliner!" why give an attitude like "ugh forget it she should know better..." SPEAK UP!

and its not like none of us ask for help or ask if we dont know what something is etc... but i think EVERYONE no matter what profession, has gotten mixed up before and not realized it until someone else pointed it out or corrected you. give people a fuckin break.


Well-known member
Your analogy is nothing more than what the OP is bitching about....We're talking in circles, at this point.


Well-known member
no its not circles because you still didnt get my point. if someone thinks they know what they are talking about they arent going to ask for help. thats not being lazy, its not being a bad worker or service giver, its just HUMAN ERROR. and people seem to bitch about it when it comes to mac more than anything! i just find it ridiculous. maybe you think that every new person at mac should study our products until we know everything, but thats not how it is. were busy ALL the time. we dont have time to go through drawers and learn all the names of everything and remember what type of product they are... we learn as we go. YES some of us fanatics know just about every name and product by heart but as i said before, not all mac employees are fanatics! it takes time for them to learn just like it takes time for everyone else to learn their jobs. i dont think weve ever had a new person who knew everything and never asked for help. everyone ALWAYS asked for help. so its not about employees being too lazy or uninterested, its just sometimes we make HUMAN ERRORS. the end.
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