West Virginia Torture Case


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
The sad thing is they're probably proud of it and there are racists in the US who will write them, praising their actions.

What is most likely to happen in prison is the Aryan's (both prisoners and even prison staff) will praise them, protect them. Please believe though the minorities in jail will have it out for these cretins. The way prisons are set up now though, they often sequester criminals like this because they know there will be such a backlash, since the prison population is mostly minorities.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by banjobama
Those f*cking white trash hilbillies need to hang!!

I take exception to this statement (not you personally, just this statement).

The statement is just as racist as if someone were to begin speaking about crime perpetrated by a non-Caucasian and use the N-word. Just because they're white, even if you're white or I'm white, doesn't mean that it's okay to make reference to their race in a derogatory manner.

Do their actions make them trash? Absolutely. They deserve, should they be found guilty, to be labeled as such. Their actions and beliefs are reprehensible and absolutely without a doubt disgusting, but if we can't (we being anyone and everyone, not white people specifically) say "Those black pieces of ghetto trash!!" without some fear of reprisal and retribution, then the same standards and expectations apply to ALL races, colors, and creeds.

Call them pieces of trash, fantastic.
Call them out for their race (regardless of whether the crime was racially motivated or not), and it's out of line.


Well-known member
I sometimes wonder how we as a society we can breed monsters like this. What they did that women is horrible. I hope they spend the rest of their life in prison paying for what they did. They obviously don't feel anything because if they did... they would have thought about their actions.

That woman will be in my thoughts and prayers.

I agree with Shimmer... referring to white people in a derogatory way is racist and out of line. We should all try to respect each other and look beyond the colour of our skin.


Well-known member
These people are dangerous sociopaths. I highly doubt that this was the first time they have done something like this. It might be the first time they have taken it to this level but odds are that most of them have had similar behaviors since their teenage years and now it escalated to this. I suspect that the men have raped and abused women in the past. It is shown that people like this will continue their behavior until it leads to murder. It probably would have happened in this case.
It's amazing how many sociopathic nutjobs are out there. You never really know until you meet one yourself.


Well-known member
I think the sheriff's dept has had something like 108 complaints against them since 99? IIRC?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It might be the first time they have taken it to this level but odds are that most of them have had similar behaviors since their teenage years and now it escalated to this. I suspect that the men have raped and abused women in the past.

For all anyone knows, they may have done the same to others, except killed them.

I think the concept of sociopaths is fascinating. I just don't understand how people are born without a conscious. My brother shows a lot of the traits affiliated with sociopaths, so I always wonder if he's one. He has really no remorse for a lot of bad things he does. It's not killing, but it's manipulation and using others to gain whatever he wants out of life.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I think the sheriff's dept has had something like 108 complaints against them since 99? IIRC?

OMG... then why was nothing ever done about them!


Well-known member
Because once the complaints are addressed, charges are handled, whatever, they can't be continually pursued. And, we can't predict the future, so pressing charges on what they *might* do is...illegal.