What about these brushes?


New member
Hi together

I love your forum and spent a lot of time reading all the threads. It's a treasure full of information! But now I need your help:

I've just bought a 5 piece set on ebay. After reading a few post in this section I'm not sure anymore if the brushes are fakes or not.

Perhaps some of you could have a look at this and tell me if they are real mac brushes?


Nomi Abebe

Active member
Originally Posted by Humali
Hi together

I love your forum and spent a lot of time reading all the threads. It's a treasure full of information! But now I need your help:

I've just bought a 5 piece set on ebay. After reading a few post in this section I'm not sure anymore if the brushes are fakes or not.

Perhaps some of you could have a look at this and tell me if they are real mac brushes?

Do they have a barcode sticker like store bought brushes.


Well-known member
From what ive read on here barcodes should be printed on the plastic wrapper of singular bought brushes. Sticker barcodes or no barcodes at all = fake unless they were part of a genuine set (full size sets were discontinued a while ago to prevent being take back and exchanged for cash and/or other brushes - i think i learnt this from a caffn8me post, so thanks to her!), and therefore will not have barcodes at all.

Other then that i know very little about mac brushes - i like to finger paint...

Do you have them in your possession? Can you ask the seller questions about the barcode? Do they have SE on the handle?

Nomi Abebe

Active member
Originally Posted by wolfsong
From what ive read on here barcodes should be printed on the plastic wrapper of singular bought brushes. Sticker barcodes or no barcodes at all = fake unless they were part of a genuine set (full size sets were discontinued a while ago to prevent being take back and exchanged for cash and/or other brushes - i think i learnt this from a caffn8me post, so thanks to her!), and therefore will not have barcodes at all.

Other then that i know very little about mac brushes - i like to finger paint...

Do you have them in your possession? Can you ask the seller questions about the barcode? Do they have SE on the handle?

I work at the Cosmetic Company store and all pro brushes with long handles come in a clear bag with a sticker on the end with barcode and distributor info. This is the only way all the pro brushes are sold. I saw the post that you are talking about also and I think she is mistaken or talking about the SE sets and the PRO Brushes which these are.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nomi Abebe
I work at the Cosmetic Company store and all pro brushes with long handles come in a clear bag with a sticker on the end with barcode and distributor info. This is the only way all the pro brushes are sold. I saw the post that you are talking about also and I think she is mistaken or talking about the SE sets and the PRO Brushes which these are.

The posters here are definitely not mistaken, please get your information RIGHT before you pass it on. It is ...N-O-T... the only way pro brushes are sold. I have bought several brushes from the MAC pro store and they are all PRINTED on - unless you are suggesting that MAC PRO directly sold me (and others) fakes???

Nomi Abebe

Active member
Ok so all the brushes at the ESTEE LAUDER owned Cosmetic Company Store are fake also. Please post some pics of the poly bags and I will do the same of the brushes that i own.


Well-known member
thats not what I was suggesting, you have missed the point....again....
go back and read all the posts properly